Part 2

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Nixie woke up a few hours later, she was in an average sized room with no windows in a bed. She had a few cuts a bruises that she didn't know where they came from. There was another girl in the room, the girl had long blue hair with purple stripes and was wearing a pinkish-purple jacket with a purple shirt. The girl was in the corner sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall asleep. Nixie sat up, her head was spinning.
"Ummm.... Hello...?" Nixie said, she wanted to see if the girl was awake. The girl was a light sleeper and woke up from Nixie's voice. The girl adjusted herself so she was sitting upright against the wall.
"W-who are you...?" Nixie asked. The girl groaned, annoyed by Nixie's question.
"My name is Danny" she responded, her voice was flat and emotionless.
"I-I'm Nixie" Nixie stuttered, she was really scared. The last thing she remembered was waking up on a strange hovercraft tied up, she remembered being in a lot of pain before she saw Angela. Angela. Where was Angela?! Nixie looked around but didn't see her in the room or any sign of her. Nixie got up and went over to Danny.
"H-hey.... Ummm... w-where are we...?"Nixie mumbled. Danny let out a huge overdramatic sigh,
"We're my room" she said calmly. Nixie sat down next to Danny, who didn't look very happy about it.
"Y-your room...?" Nixie asked. Danny rolled her eyes,
"you know, like where I sleep" she said. Nixie looked flustered,
"I-I know..." she mumbled. That's when they heard footsteps. Danny immediately stood up and Nixie followed. The door clicked from someone unlocking the door and a girl entered the room. The girl had long purpleish- blue hair with a pinkish- purple fade, she had on a nice dress with high heels and some jewelry. Nixie tensed up when she entered but Danny remained calm and emotionless. The girl smirked,
"Danny leave" she said, her voice was cold. Danny bowed her head,
"Yes mistress" she responded then left the room. The girl turned her attention to Nixie. Nixie  took a step back and gasped a bit.
"Hello Nixie" the girl said. Nixie backed away a little bit more,
"W-who are you...?!" Nixie stuttered. The girl smirked.
"My name is Macy" she responded, "I'm gonna need you to follow me." Nixie grew even more nervous and tried to back away more but ended up hitting the wall behind her.
"I-I'm not going anywhere with you!" Nixie yelled, Macy was unfazed. Suddenly Nixie felt a burning pain from her next, she hadn't even noticed the shock collar until then. Nixie screamed in pain and fell over. Macy turned the shock off and Nixie took deep breaths to recover from the pain.
"You gonna come with me now?" Macy asked, her voice was cold. Nixie stood up slowly and nodded. Macy led her out of Danny's room and into a different room. The room was completely empty with no windows. The room looked bigger then Danny's room because of how empty it was. The empty room made Nixie even more nervous.
"Stay here," Macy said. Nixie tensed as Macy turned to leave, locking Nixie in the room as she left. Nixie was left alone in the room.

Meanwhile, Angela woke up in a some kind of cell. She was in a medium sized concrete room with a heavy metal door with a small window. Angela's ankle was chained and she had strange metal bands with a glowing green dot around her wrist and her wing were tied. She was in a lot of pain, her head still hurt from falling out of the sky and the bullet wound in her leg wasn't doing any better. She was confused about what the metal bands were for, they didn't connect her hands and didn't seem to do much but glow. She stood up and looked around the room. The room had some blood stains on the walls and floor, the walls looked old and dirty but didn't seem to have a weak points. Angela tried tried to look at the door, but the chain around her ankle only reached halfway across the room. That's when Angela heard footsteps in the hallway, the sound of two people watching down the hallway. The two people walked pasted the room. For a second Angela could see who was walking by through the little window. The first person seemed to be a devil, they had on what look like a metal mussel and it seemed their hands were tied. The second person was Ivy, she seemed to be pushing the devil along. The thought that Ivy managed to kidnap a devil scared Angela, devil's were known to fight to the death. Devils would rather die then get taken prisoner, because of this devils were skilled fighters. Angela began to worry about Nixie. Is she here? Is she ok? As Angela got lost in thought with worry the door clicked open and Ivy entered the room. The sound of the door opening got Angela's attention and she quickly glanced up.
"Looks like someone finally woke up" Ivy said. Angela noticed that Ivy stood out of her reach. Angela glared at Ivy,
"Where is Nixie?!" She yelled. Ivy sighed,
"Not here" she responded. Ivy's voice was flat as she spoke. This just made Angela even more angry, she tried to approach Ivy but the chain on her ankle stopped her. Angela glared at Ivy, but Ivy just smirked.
"Where is she?!" Angela repeated.
"Doesn't matter, you'll never see her again" Ivy mocked. Angela made an attempt to attack Ivy but once again she couldn't reach her. In response Ivy kicked Angela, causing her to hit the wall and fall to the floor. The impact from the wall hurt her head but draw blood and hitting the floor scraped her knees and hands. Ivy walked over to Angela and kicked her backwards, knocking her onto her back. Ivy stepped on Angela's stomach so she couldn't get up. Ivy saw the fear in Angela's eyes and smirked. Ivy kicked Angela in the chin and left.

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