Part 7

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Days had past and Macy left Nixie in that room for 3 days with no food or water before sending Danny to left her out and give her food and water. Every time Ava left with Danny she would lock Nixie away and leave her there till they come back. Macy had begun to go to Ava's house a lot more often. She didn't always bring Danny but most times she did. Today Ava came over to Macy's home and so did Ivy. Ivy scared Nixie. Nixie was sure Ivy knew where Angela was. She had been knocked out most of the time when she first got kidnapped in the hovercraft. Nixie could remember Ivy mocking Angela, it had seemed like they already knew each other. Nixie was confident that even if Ivy didn't have Angela she at least knew where she was. Unfortunately Nixie was also confident that Ivy would kill her if she got the chance. Nixie watched Macy, Ava, and Ivy as they talked. Nixie heard bits of their conversation.
"Wait Ivy, how many devils have you kidnapped..?" Macy asked. There was a pause before Ivy responded,
"Ten," She said. Suddenly Nixie's mind began to race, What?! Ivy has managed to kidnap ten devils?! How?! Nixie went back to listening.
"...-we could use one for an experiment?" Ava asked. Macy said something that Nixie couldn't hear.
"How about this, I kidnapped this kid a few weeks before the princess heist. You can use her in your stupid experiments but you gotta pay me and assuming she lives you give her back," Ivy told them. Nixie was horrified, a kid?! That's when Ivy noticed Nixie watching them. Ivy whispered something to Macy. Macy looked in Nixie's direction, Nixie had hid behind the corner. Macy nodded to Ivy who smirked and began walking towards Nixie. Nixie, seeing her, panicked. Nixie ran. She bolted out of hiding spot, hitting the wall and running around the corner. Ivy sped up and ran after her. Unsurprisingly Ivy caught up quickly and grabbed her. Nixie was terrified, Ivy smirked.
"So you're curious? Wanna snoop around? Bad idea kid," Ivy said. Ivy pushed Nixie hard against the wall, knocking her to the floor. Nixie was laying on the ground and Ivy stepped on her as she tried to get up. Ivy kicked her in the chin, drawing blood.
"Stay out of the way idiot," Ivy told her. She left Nixie on the floor and returned to Macy and Ava. Nixie passed out. When she woke up a day had passed and she was on the couch. Nixie looked around, she could hear Ava typing in her office and Danny cleaning. It was oddly calm. There was a knock at the door. Danny went to open the door and Faith was there. She was better but still looked sick. Faith's hair also seemed just a bit lighter. Faith said hi to Danny and asked if she could see Macy. Danny lead Faith to Macy's office. Nixie ducked into another room to avoid her. Faith talked to Macy for around and hour and a half before she left the office with Macy. Nixie was leaving the kitchen at the same time. Nixie bumped right into Faith. Nixie fell back into the corner of a doorway, hurting her back. Faith fell into Macy who caught her. Macy glared at Nixie but surprisingly said nothing.
"I am so so sorry!" Nixie said. Faith hesitated, staring at Nixie. After a moment she assured Nixie it was fine.
"You're the princess.... Aren't you..?" Faith said. This caught Nixie off guard.
"I- ummm... ya..." Nixie responded. Faith didn't say anything as Macy cut in. Macy told Faith she should probably head home to her family and she left.

Angela and Tegan had been alone in the room long enough for most of their wounds to heal. Unfortunately the peace wouldn't last much longer. Angela was leaning against the wall and Tegan was sitting on the floor. That's when the door buzzed open and Ivy walked in, the door shut behind her. Angela straightened and Tegan jumped up, both going into a position they could try to defend themselves. Ivy look from one to the other skeptically.
"What are you gonna do? Fight me?" Ivy asked sarcastically. Neither of them said anything. Ivy unfolded her wings and looked Angela in the eyes.
"I saw your little friend the other day," Ivy said. Angela gasped as her eyes grew wide and she dropped her guard. Tegan looked at them confused.
"N-Nixie?! S-she's ok?!" Angela asked, desperate to know where Nixie was.
"For now...." Ivy said and then turned her attention to Tegan, "Can't say the same for your sister though." Tegan's eyes grew wide and angry, she tried to attack Ivy but without her powers Tegan stood no chance. In only a few seconds Tegan had been thrown hard against the wall. Tegan passed out and was badly bleeding. Angela slowly backed up and bumped into the wall. Ivy smirked.
"That's not fair! We can use our magic!" Angela cried in blind confidence. Ivy rolled her eyes. She did not care about right or wrong, fair or unfair. Ivy just wanted to make people hurt. Ivy left, she buzzed the door open and Angela ran to help Tegan. She managed to stop the bleeding when she heard a kid screaming. Angela covered her ears, the sound was horrible. The screaming stopped and the silence that followed was deafening.

-A conversation between Sith and Faith-
"Faith are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it?"
"You haven't talked to your family in years, she probably doesn't remember you."
"Sith she was 6, she would remember me a little bit."
"Right, but you also dyed your hair and changed your name. It's not like she'll recognize you."
"I guess you're right, let's think about it."
"Let's head to bed Faith, it's late"

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