Chapter 3

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Eda could feel her legs running quickly under her feet to get to her classroom. The boys were chasing her with sticks from a tree that looked like they were formed into spears. This was normal for her but without the spears. Nobody at her school liked her when they realized that she was different.

Everybody always made fun of her canines for being so pointy.

The moment she got to the wooden creaking classroom she got scolded for being late. She sat down at her and took out her chunk of coal to begin to start writing.

During the lunch break, she sat down and took out her tiny worn-out cloth filled with food from the forest. She had jade berries, sugar crystals, and sapphire raspberries.

She would collect these kinds of things with her friends out there instead of eating what everybody else ate. The other kids ate giant chicken legs and burnt pieces of bread and they chewed with their mouths open.

"Aww look Eda is eating alone again"
This voice disrupted her thoughts as she turned and looked at Peter Resign. Her worst enemy happened to also be a part of the group of people chasing her with sticks that day.

He was with his group of dumb friends who were holding chicken and turkey legs in their hands.

"Go away, Peter."

"Aww is the weird girl mad?"
He said this laughing as he bit the greasy turkey leg and has its juices dripping down his face.

"I bet you want to eat the food I eat, to bad you can't afford it."

After he said this his group started to stupidly giggle and this made Eda's blood boil.

"I actually enjoy what I eat, I could care less about that in your hand"

"That's probably what your bitch of a mother says when she puts food on your table"

That's when she lost it.
She pounced on Peter screaming in fury and started scratching, punching, and biting him.
She got hit a few times in the face but overall she was winning.

When she got up her nose was bloody as well as her lip but she could care less. Peters face had scratches all over and he had a black eye with a split lip. There was a bite mark on his arm and when he saw that he started screaming.


Eda started to look around and saw that people were whispering.

"Feral animal.."
"Disease filled.."

Tears started to fill her eyes as she grabbed her leather backpack and ran.

As she ran through the woods she noticed how dark it was getting.
It was going to be a new moon that night, so she didn't need to sorry about turning into a wolf.

She felt her ears perk up uncontrollably though and her forehead was glowing. She promised the other night that she would see Raven and Karma. Eda smiled at the thought and decided to go on all fours while running. 

While running she heard voices in the woods, but she didn't think much of it.

After a few more minutes of running she saw Karma swimming in the pitch black lake that they normally played in. Raven was just sitting in a rock looking at the stars.

They were wearing moss-like clothes, like a skirt and top with a few vines wrapping it up.


A soaking wet Karma was on top of Eda with a happy look in her eyes and looked down at her outfit.

"Why are you wearing that?"

"Oh uhm-"

A loud gunshot noise from a distance rang. The little spirits that were dancing disappeared and all the pixies and creatures hid. Even the glowing mushrooms turned duller and duller. Raven and Karma looked at each other as Karma got up and grabbed my hand. 

We all started running and working on hiding our glowing marks on our forehead's.

The gunshots got louder and louder as we kept running. 

As we were jumping over logs and branches and swerving trees we hit something. 

When we all looked up to see what it was I was horrified. 

It was my Father..

Notice how I'm changing it to Eda's POV sometimes... Sorry bout that-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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