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I started to pace back and forth in the station I was having a panic attack Eddie brought me back home and life has been a bit easier. But my attack weren't doing so well I started to hyperventilate I picked up my phone calling buck but he didn't answer it went straight to voice mail

"B-buck please I..I think it's happening again" I breathed heavy shaking and crying "just breath and wiggle your fingers.. b-buck please" I hung up setting my phone on the truck "Hey come on sit down" Bobby said he sat me down in a chair he pulled up "So tell me what's your favorite memory with Eddie?" He asked me I keep breathing heavy as I thought "Ummm" I keep breathing heavy "Coke on you got to have one good one in there I know you do" Bobby smiled I looked over at him still shaking and breathing heavy "w-when we m-made cookies w-with Christopher" I stuttered out he smiled "Christopher is the best little man isn't he? What's your greatest memory with him?" He asked me "b-bowling when h-he keep getting strikes" I smiled a little "he must be so lucky! Soo umm tell me how bad is Buck at lying?" He laughed I smiled a little more my breathing started to fade away and my shaking started to relax a lot more now

"No no actually tell me what it was like when buck was a kid I bet you have many embarrassing story's" he laughed I laughed with him as I started to finally calm down "are you okay?" He asked I smiled nodding my head as bucks truck pulled up him and Eddie jumped out running in "mia are you okay!?" Eddie asked kneeling down in front of me In his work uniform "yeah I'm okay thanks Bobby" I smiled at him as he smiled standing up "just doing my job" he walked away as buck ran up to him as Eddie stayed by my side

"Are you okay princess?" He asked me I shook my head yes "I thought you and buck were already here and I walked here mid panic attack I about passed out till bobby got to me" I smiled slowly standing up "What gave you a panic attack?" He asked me I sighed looking down "listen I understand a lot has happened between us but for now on I promise on everything I'll do better and be the best man you dream of I promise okay?" He held my face lightly making me look up at him I nodded my head as he smiled softly "okay I love you" I smiled hugging him as he hugged me back "I love you too" he kissed the top of my head as buck came over

"Hey ready to go home? I arranged it for you  and Eddie to have a little vacation relax spend some time together" he smiled I smiled hugging my brother

—hours later—

"Let's go to the beach" I asked him he smiled agreeing as we all got ready and off to the beach as I found us a good spot in the sand I started to set up as Eddie brought Christopher over to us I smiled as he laughed when he walked along the beach as he got to his towel he sat down smiling I took my cover up off as Eddie stood there staring at me I laughed throwing the cover up at his face "Sorry your just hot" he shrugged I rolled my eyes sitting down  next to Chris building a sandcastle smiling

Third person Pov

That entire day they spent on the beach as one happy family Eddie was happy for once so is Mia she is set free from her past and with two perfect men in her life that make her feel wanted and love she works a great job along side her brother her team is great. She has one amazing boss that helped her through a tough moment in her life

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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