Chapter 1

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The moon hung full and bright over the snowy mountains, shining like a diamond in the darkness, illuminating the paths through the dense foliage of the woods. Torches helped with illuminating the space, flickering in the cold breeze that blew through the night, dozens of footsteps crunching in the snow, the sound of hounds barking echoing in the almost peaceful stillness. The footsteps all came to a halt, as the pure white snow turned dark red, the scent of copper strong in the air, the trail of red leading to the mouth of a pitch black cave, and as a particularly strong gust of wind extinguished half of the torches, the stench of rotting flesh assaulted the noses of the men in front of the cave, causing them to nearly lose their dinners, nausea curling in their stomachs.

"This has to be that foul creature's home- The stench alone confirms it, as well as the blood." The leader relit his torch, and turned to look at the others. "If the beasts had dragged their prey here, the parts would be scattered about, but there are no parts to be seen." He took a deep breath, gagging on the foul air, and slowly stepped forward into the cave, his entire body going rigid with horror and fear, as his eyes landed upon the large pile of bodies in front of him, placed around in weird positions, making it look like they were all families at some kind of twisted party, their organs hanging from the walls and surfaces from nails as morbid decorations, blood filling cups and bowls made from bone.

His hands shook badly, as he couldn't stop gazing at the carnage before his eyes, finally realizing where all the missing villagers had really gone. So, that girl had been lying, after all. She never had seen Lycans carry them off, or heard their screams; That confirmed that she was indeed the monster they were searching for, and a human monster who could kill so mercilessly was far more terrifying than anything that lived in or around the village, and possibly even more terrifying than Mother Miranda herself. No, perhaps she wasn't even human at all, or at least not one with a soul. No one with a soul could do the horrid things he was witnessing, not without guilt eating away at them, and he was certain without a doubt, that girl felt no guilt whatsoever for her actions, and took pleasure in them instead.

He backed away slowly, too afraid to move too fast, and that was when he heard the screams of the other men from outside, and gurgling noises, before they fell silent. When he finally got out of the cave, he found only half of the men still alive, the other half having had their throats cut, the blood still warm and fresh, deep cuts and gashes on the others' skin, a few knives even buried deep in various areas of their bodies. "She moved so fast! There was nothing we could do.. They were dead before we even knew what had happened. She is no girl; She is a demon!" The leader glanced around, trying to peer into the dark trees that surrounded them, but couldn't see any signs of life. "Let us continue the search. She can't have gotten far-" He pointed to tiny drops of blood leading off into the darkness. "One of the dead must have injured her before they were slaughtered. Even she will need to rest and heal."

The other men nodded, and continued following him, bandaging their wounds, keeping a close eye on the blood trail, stopping cold at the foot of a castle, fear in their eyes. "We should turn back. We cannot go inside of that place. We all know what lies inside.. If that monster chose to flee inside, then she will be disposed of for us. Lady Dimitrescu does not take kindly to intruders, much less troublesome ones." The men backed away in a hurry, and practically raced back to the village, locking their doors and windows, beyond terrified of having gotten that close to the dreaded Castle Dimitrescu.

The woman finally let out the breath she'd been holding, seeing it mist out in front of her face, strands of her hair poking out from under her hood, and she was seemingly unbothered by the fact that she was dangling from a sill outside of a window on one of the higher floors of the castle, hundreds of feet from the ground. "Finally- I thought they'd never leave me alone. I guess the rumors about this place must be true." She held onto the sill by one hand, while her other hand slipped inside a pocket of her cloak, retrieving a bloody knife, then licked the fresh blood from the blade, before wedging it underneath the window, lifting it up. When it was opened enough, she quietly slipped inside then closed the window, lifting the hood off her head, revealing her snow white hair, the strands long and silky, though matted and tangled with dried blood, leaves, dirt, and other things, her skin almost as pale, bloodstained and covered in dirt and scars. Her pale blue eyes glanced around what seemed to be a bedroom, an eyebrow raised, as she saw weapons stacked everywhere, the bed unmade and messy, clothing all over the floor.

Her fingertips lightly traced over the sharp edges of the weapons, blood gushing from tiny cuts she got from doing that, though she never flinched once. "So this is what a bedroom is supposed to look like? I guess it has been awhile since I've seen one.. Maybe I'll take some of these weapons with me. They'll be fun to try out on those stupid villagers." With that, she tugged off her cloak, revealing a torn and shredded black shirt underneath, and ripped and filthy black pants, her feet bare and bloody, her toes blue with cold, and flopped down on the bed. "It's dusty as hell in here- I don't think anyone ever comes in here, so I should be able to relax for a few hours. I hope those idiots didn't touch my cave. It's such hard work setting up those bodies like that." With that, she closed her eyes, and stretched, muscles rippling beneath her skin as she got comfortable, not noticing the footsteps outside of the door, or the quiet creak the hinges made as the door swung open, only noticing someone was in the room when the feeling of cold and sharp steel pressed against her throat..

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