Chapter 3

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Author's note:

Sorry for the 4 month hiatus, I was kind of waiting for season 3 to end lol

Also, holy shit, it's been 4 months??? Damn... anyway-



Ali's POV:

Ever since that moment, I've been preparing a strategy on how to deal with the whole IRIS situation. Sure, I could just not go to Wak Musang's stall but who knows what will happen if it immediately falls into Numeros' hands.

I may not be an agent anymore but that doesn't mean I'm going to let Numeros destroy MATA and presumably the entire city. My aim is to live in peace, not in an apocalypse or a decrepit city.

So now that I've got IRIS secured, it's time to deal with my second problem.

Once I arrived at school, I walked up the stairs onto the second story building. At the top of the stairs, the brisk morning sunlight made my eyes squint. I rubbed my eyes a little and headed to my class, 6 Avicenna.

I looked at the yellow plaque above the door. I missed this classroom, even if most of my memories in it weren't fond ones.

Voices inside the class broke me out of my thoughts so I treaded forward and knocked on the front door, making all my classmates turn their heads to look at me. My body tensed.

I was a little nervous, I had to admit.

"Ali! You have the guts to show up today when you're this late?!" Puan Munah, my homeroom teacher, yelled at me in anger.

I flinched when she slammed her rotan down on her teaching desk. You could tell she hit it pretty hard by how loud the snap was. The whole desk might as well split in half with the amount of force it just bared.

"I'm sorry..." I managed to choke out quietly as I lowered my head down in shame.

Whenever I think back on it, my old teacher really did just want to help me but I was the one that never put in any effort during her lessons. Sure, there was the excuse that I didn't get enough sleep to stay awake during her lessons but that was still my fault.

I wish she didn't have to yell at me though.

She let out a heavy frustrated sigh as she rubbed her temples. "Sorry doesn't cut it! This is the millionth time you've been late to class!"

"Just what are you trying to make out of yourself, Ali?!"

I didn't know how to respond. Maybe it was for the best that I didn't.

"Don't give me that face, we'll discuss this later!" She said, pointing her rotan to my seat. "Go to your seat!"

"Yes, teacher" I responded firmly.

I made my way to the back of the class and took a seat at my desk. Puan Munah continued her lesson and I listened while going over my plans.

There's a lot I need to change here in school. I can't possibly let my reputation spiral down the drain.

But I can worry about it later, I have plenty of time for self improvement.

There are other important matters to attend to soon.

I spent the whole Sunday plotting out what to do and how to act. If I started acting serious and too focused, I could end up coming off as acting strange by everyone here.

I can't risk that with MATA agents around me, especially with a certain someone who knows how to read me to a tee.

So I'll go with the flow of things and just let things be as they are.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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