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Aeroplane jelly - Jelly made from gelatin crystals.

ANZAC biscuit - A sweet biscuit originally designed for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WW1. Long lasting, containing oats, coconut and golden syrup.

Bangers/Snags - Sausages.

Barramundi - A tasty sport fish, 'a large-scaled silver fish' is its translation from Aboriginal.

Bunya Nut - Large seeds found inside the large pine cones from a prehistoric pine. Similar to a chestnut, it can be eaten raw, cooked whole or made into a paste to be eaten or made into bread.

Chiko Roll - Similar to a Chinese spring roll, filled with cabbage, carrot, onion and beef.

Dagwood Dog/Pluto Pup - A hot dog on a stick that is dipped in batter, then deep-fried.

Damper - A traditional bushman's bread that is prepared with flour, water, and salt then cooked in the coals or camp oven.

Davidson Plum - A dark purple fruit that grows on the trunk of a rainforest tree. Sharp acidic flavour and low sugar content, not often eaten raw but used in cakes, jams and sauces.

Devon - Manufactured meat product, usually served on a sanga with marty sauce and can also be fried in slices.

Fairy Bread - Slice of white bread spread with butter and sprinkled with hundreds and thousands, coloured sprinkles.

Finger Lime/Caviar Lime - Unique citrus fruit that grows in a small finger shape with caviar-like pulp, colours can vary between yellow, green, pale pink and red.

Golden Gaytime - A toffee and vanilla ice-cream on a stick, dipped in chocolate and then covered in biscuit pieces.

Goon - A cheap cask wine or boxed wine. Goon of Fortune is a drinking game where a goon bag or several are attached to a Hills Hoist and spun round until landing on a person who drinks before spinning it around again.

Kakadu plum - Small pale green fruit with a stone in the centre. A little sour, stewed apple and pear flavour, can be eaten raw but commonly used in jam, sauces and relishes. They contain 100 times more Vitamin C than oranges and come from Northern Australia.

Lamington - A sponge cake piece, dipped in chocolate icing and rolled in desiccated coconut.

Lemon, lime, and bitters - A cocktail made with lemonade, lime juice cordial, and Angostura bitters.

Lemon Myrtle - Leaves from the tree have an intense citrus fragrance and flavour, used as a seasoning. Also used in medicine as an antimicrobial.

Lilly Pilly/Riberry- A small firm fruit with a seed inside that is reminiscent of apples or pears. Eaten fresh or made into deserts, jams and sauces.

Macadamia Nuts - Small round white nut in the centre of a hard woody casing, very rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Meat Pie - Not originally Australian, but along with the Sausage Roll they are country street food favourites and available almost everywhere.

Milo - A matly chocolate powder, normally mixed with milk.

Muntries/Emu Apples/Native Cranberries - Small round fruit, colours can vary between pink, red and purple. Reminiscent of blueberries but with twice the antioxidants. With a spicy apple taste that can be eaten raw, dried, or used in cakes, jams and chutneys.

Pandanus/Screw pine - Has many uses for crafting objects, food and medi cine. The fruit contains a nutty tasting seed which can be eaten raw or roasted.

Pav/Pavlova - A sweet, light, creamy, fruity dessert.

Quandong - A small fruit with a bright red colour, slightly tart flavor described as a cross between peaches and apricots. Used in jams, pies or purées.

Sanga - Sandwich

Spag Bol - Spaghetti bolognese Australian version. Normally containing beef, mushrooms, onions, carrot, celery, bacon, garlic, tomatoes, and spaghetti pasta.

Splice - Vanilla ice-cream, coated in a layer of pineapple and lime fruit flavoured ice.

Tim Tam - Chocolate coated malt biscuits with chocolate cream between them.

Vegemite - A yeast extract spread used on toast or extra seasoning for gravy, soups and stews.

VoVo - A wheat flour biscuit topped with a strip of raspberry jam and two strips of pink fondant then sprinkled with coconut.

Warrigal Greens/Botany Bay Greens/New Zealand Spinach - Similar to European spinach.

Weet-Bix - A high-fibre, wheat breakfast biscuit. Served hot or cold with milk, and eaten quickly before turning to mush.

Witchetty Grub - A grub with a nutty taste, eaten raw or roasted over a fire or coals.

Native Bush Tucker also includes various other plants similar to many commonly eaten foreign species. Such as our own bush versions of Apple, Basil, Berries of many kinds, Celery, Mint, Orange, Passionfruit, Pepper, Potato, Tomato, Yam and many more.

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