Before they met..

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Life after meeting him was colourful with joy and happiness , but before it was like a colourless and meaningless one..people create meaning of life together.
The nights passed , after a tragic end of gaurdian angel sent from above. The days were rough and dry..until she met someone loving and caring...she saw the hope of life in him but sadly he didn't see the same in her all he ever wanted was a girlfriend to show off to his friends to show he was happy to his ex , he ment the world to her...
Even in that she didn't realise what was coming at her after..

Word of bullets hurting her in the starting of the year when she wanted to be happy , when she wanted to be free with the person who she wanted to spend rest of her and night thinking about him...without talking a whole year..that heart breaking moment changed her entire way of living she worked out , she learnt how to deal with people around her , especially she learnt to choose who she should prioritise first..

Anyway she moved on from that heart break with so much of sadness , after sacrificing her whole year thinking about him...all the good she made..all the love she gave to him...

Meet u soon with the next part...!
Title of next chap: how it started

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