Chapter 2

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Meanwhile in the gym, Amanda and the lacrosse team watched as Eiffel and her group of friends perform their dance routine. Some of them danced sexy to impress the players as they whistled. Amanda has seen her father dance before but she's never seen anyone dance the way Eiffel and her friends were dancing. She memorized all of the dance moves in her head and imagined herself dancing the same exact way. After the practice was over Eiffel went to talk to Amanda."So, what did you think about our routine Amanda?"she asked."You guys did amazing Eiffel!"

Then Eiffel suddenly had an idea."You know what, you should totally join our team Amanda."she said.
"Really?"Amanda asked excitedly."I'm so honored Eiffel, but I need some time to practice first." Eiffel smiled at Amanda."Okay, we'll give you sometime to practice all you want. You can come talk to me when your ready."she said as she was scrolling through her phone.Suddenly the bell rung and everyone including Amanda went to their final period. Amanda waited for Alex but he didn't come. She wondered were he was.Maybe he lied to her or maybe he didn't want to meet up with her.

Meanwhile, Alex was finished with an algebra test for his math teacher,as he walked to his locker he wasn't prepared to be taken off guard when suddenly he was pushed up against the lockers by Brayden. Alex was grunting as he struggled to break free from Brayden's grip but he was too strong."Let go of me asshole!"Alex yelled."Let go!"

Lucas suddenly appeared from around the corner and walked slowly towards Alex,then punched him in his stomach several times causing him to groan in pain.As he was done, Lucas got close to Alex's face with a serious look."Listen closely loser, just because the new girl thinks you're cute doesn't mean she wants you."Alex was confused by what Lucas said.
"What are you talking about?" he asked."Isn't it obvious? She doesn't like you.

She's just messing with you to make you feel wanted.Besides, no girl in this entire school would ever want to be with you." Lucas scoffed until Alex used his right leg to kick him straight in his crotch, causing him to fall to the floor,groaning in pain.
Alex finally managed to break free from Brayden's grip and as he knee kicked him in his stomach then punched him in his face, he ran as fast as he could.As he ran, Alex accidentally bumped into Amanda."Alex what's wrong?" she asked."Who are you running from?"
Alex was out of breath as he tried to explain what happened."I...I was running away...from Brayden... and Lucas..."he said as he took a few deep breaths.
"Brayden and Lucas?"Amanda asked. "What did they do now?"

"I'll tell you after class because if I tell you now then you'll probably have a cow."said Alex."What cow?"Amanda asked unaware of what Alex meant.
"It's just an expression."said Alex.
"Oh, okay."said Amanda.
After class was over it was time for everyone to go home.Alex and Amanda walked with each other until Eiffel and her friends stopped in front of them."Hey Amanda, hey Alvin." Eiffel said with a smirk. Amanda was confused at why Eiffel called Alex by a different name." Hey Amanda since you live in a dorm on campus how about we take you shopping this weekend?"Eiffel asked as her friends behind her murmured in agreement."I'd love to, Eiffel."
Amanda then looked at Alex.

"Would you like to go to the mall with us Alex?"
she asked because she didn't want Alex to feel left out."Sure, but I kinda have to study with my friends."said Alex.
"Are you sure?"Amanda asked.
"Of course I'm sure."said Alex."It's okay."
There was the sudden sound of honking, it was Alex's friends waiting for him in a black SUV.
"That's my ride.I'll see you later Amanda.Have fun!"said Alex as he waved at Amanda while running to his friends.

"Bye, Alex!"said Amanda as she waved back."Come on Amanda,the mall is waiting for us!"said Eiffel as she and her friends guided Amanda to their SUV's and drove out of the school parking lot.
Soon they arrived at the mall and Amanda was amazed at how big it was on the inside even though there was no ceiling it was still beautiful.She suddenly remembered when her other friends, Peter Parker, MJ and Ned took her to a mall for the first time back in Queens, New York.Amanda looked around and saw people going up and down an escalator, different types of food booths, a movie theater, palm trees everywhere, and there was even a water park.
"Wow, this mall looks very different than the other mall back in New York."said Amanda who was amazed."No way, you've been to New York?"Eiffel asked."Yes I have.My other friends took me there, it was fun."said Amanda.

"Cool. Now let's get this shopping spree started!"said Eiffel as her friends cheered as they took Amanda to different stores for clothes, shoes, make up, hair products, and skin care.As the girls were done shopping they decided to get burgers and hibachi then get ice cream when they leave."Today has been really fun Eiffel.I'm so glad I got newer clothes and shoes to put in my closet.Thank you and your friends so much."Amanda said happily.

"Aww you're welcome Amanda, we're glad you had fun with us."Eiffel said as she hugged Amanda. Suddenly a group of lacrosse players from school showed up and said hi to the girls.Some of the girls ran to hug the players who were their boyfriends until Amanda recognize two familiar faces.It was Brayden and Lucas! Amanda began to hide her face because she didn't want them to notice her.But they did when one of the players spoke up.
"Who's your new friend Eiffel?" one of them asked winking at Amanda."Oh this is Amanda, she's the new girl at school and our dance squads newest member."Eiffel explained as her friends all clapped for Amanda.

Lucas noticed Amanda and sat in a chair next to her and began to flirt with her."So, your name is Amanda.That's kinda hot."said Lucas with a smirk on his face. Amanda was confused at why Lucas was suddenly being nice to her, so she decided to be nice back."Thank you, my birth parents picked my name before they died."said Amanda.
"Aw, we're sorry for what happened to your parents."said Eiffel as she adorably hugged Amanda who got slightly upset."It's okay Eiffel."said Amanda."I have a new family now."
"A new family? When can we meet them?"Eiffel asked.

"Yes, they're....they're secretly working for SHEILD and I can't contact them."said Amanda who felt ashamed for lying to her friends because she was too afraid to tell them her family is protecting the galaxy or that she's an alien from another planet.
"That sounds awesome, come on guys let's go to Dave & Busters before the mall closes."said one of Eiffel's friends.As they all made it to Dave & Busters everyone went to play their favorite games.Some of the guys went to win prizes for their girlfriends while some shot basketballs into hoops.While Amanda was trying to win a prize to bring back to Alex on the crane, Lucas startled her.
"Hey, Amanda." he said.
"Lucas! Don't scare me like that!"Amanda exclaimed.
"Sorry.So, who are you winning a prize for?"Lucas asked concerned.
"Well, since Alex couldn't come with us, I'm winning a prize for him so he won't feel so left out."Amanda explained as she finally won two stuffed animals for her and Alex.

"So, you and Alex"Lucas asked.
"Well..."Amanda thought for a moment until Brayden stepped into the conversation.
"You're not seeing him, right?"he asked."Please say that you're not."
"Alex and I aren't dating, we're just friends."said Amanda as she happily hugged the stuffed animals she won.
"Thank God."said Lucas in relief.Amanda was confused at why Lucas was so happy that her and Alex were only friends.She does remember how she called him cute earlier at school and began to blush.
After leaving Dave n' Busters, everyone went for ice cream as they left the mall.As they made their way to the SUV's Lucas stopped Amanda to talk to her.
"Hey Amanda, can I ask you something?"
"Sure."said Amanda.
"Since you and Wilder aren't dating each other, I was wondering if...
But before Lucas could finish his sentence Eiffel called for Amanda.
"Come on Amanda! Let's go!"
"Coming!"Amanda turned to Lucas."Sorry Lucas you can tell me tomorrow."

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