My little brother's story

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I don't think I've ever brought this up before. It's kind of a hard topic for me, because it makes me remember all the terrible anxiety I went through about it. But I'm addressing it now so here we go. This was a really hard and scary time for me and my family.

     So my mom was kind of oldish to have a baby, so after a few days past the due date with no signs of labor, my parents went in to get her water broken for her. The pregnancy went well, thankfully, and my little brother was doing so so well. He was strong and healthy, and the next day the nurses were even thinking of letting him come home home early.

     Well, I'm glad he didn't. If he hadn't been at the hospital, he would've died. So what happened was, randomly, he turned purple and gasped. He stopped breathing completely. The doctors had to breathe for him. They checked his blood sugar, AND IT WAS AT 1. 1. He didn't show any signs at all of having low blood sugar, no seizures. He got helicoptered to a NICU. The next day he was transferred to another NICU, and a few days another. He refused to eat and had to be bottle fed. 

     After three weeks, he was finally able to come home. He is doing amazing now. Thank you for reading.

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