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          "Pleeeeeease Travy?" Sal begged, the giant plushie sitting in the shelf looking extremely tempting to the blue haired male. It was a giant blob with little arms, it's color nearly matching the color of Sal's hair. "Don't 'Travy' me. My room's already got ten of those things in there," Travis said with a chuckle, flicking Sal's head. He couldn't feel it, for he had hit his mask rather his actual head. "I'll start singing," Sal threatened, louder than intended as well.
          "Don't you dare," Travis immediately responded, eyes widening slightly as a small grin of amusement formed on his chapped lips. While he was being entertained by his boyfriend's shenanigans, he was at risk of being embarrassed in front of everyone in the store. "Then gimme it," Sal said, not turning away from Travis as he made grabby hands for the giant plush. Sal would've grabbed it himself if he weren't so small. "Sal, n o," Travis said, snickering at how childish he was being.
          "You dare test me?" Sal asked in a playful tone, puffing his chest out to seem intimidating. "Last chance, Phelps. Surrender or PERISH.' Travis's response was nothing but laughter, his blonde locks bouncing slightly as he threw his head back. Sal couldn't help but laugh slightly at Travis's response. "Don't laugh in the face of VENGEANCE," Sal said in a deep tone, barely able to hold in his giggles.
          "I'm–," Travis said, cutting himself off with another laugh. "I'm not giving it to you." Sal narrowed his eyes before taking a deep breath.
          "Sal‐ Sal I swear to gOD."
          "I've never met nobodyyyyyyyyy, like you!" Sal started singing, pointing to Travis. While he couldn't see it, Sal had a wide grin on his face ad Travis's face began to flush red. "Had friends and I've had buddiiiiiiies, it's true!"
          "Shutupshutupshutupshutup," Travis repeated, trying to cover Sal's mouth despite his mask preventing it. "But thEy don't turn my tummyyyyyy the WAy you do," Sal said a little louder, grabbing Travis's wrists to try and prevent his attacks. "SAL," Travis said, completely embarrassed as they got a few looks from people whom were passing by. "I've never met no bOOOOOody liiiike you!" Sal sang louder, giggling as Travis's face continued to darken with blush. "Oh my gOd–," was all that Travis said before releasing Sal, turning to the shelf. He reached up, pulling the large plush down before throwing it at the smaller male. Sal let out a yelp as he stumbled, the force nearly knocking the short male off of his feet. He quickly caught his balance, gripping the fabric of the plush. "Yesss! Heheheheheheheee," Sal said, giggling maliciously as he practically waddled past Travis. Said male rolled his eyes, following him down the isle.

Salvis Oneshots (Sally Face x Travis)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora