Chap 2

383 21 10

* Beep... Beep*

The alarm clock was ringing and then it suddenly stopped. A sharp object with snowflake shape has broken the clock. Yuki slowly got up, looked at the snowflake object and sighed. 'Great! I have to repair the clock everyday.' She got out of the bed, took back the snowflake object which she threw just a minute ago. She quickly got dress and repaired the clock. At first she didn't know anything about clocks, but since she broke the clock everyday, so she decided to learn how to fix a clock.

After she fixed the clock, she grabbed her phone and saw the time. 'Even better ! Now I'm late on my FIRST day at school.' She was late, and plus she didn't have the uniform, so she decided to go to school tomorrow instead. She opened her closet and couldn't find anything to wear. All her clothes are in America, and she won't have them until tonight. So she decided to wear what she wore yesterday and grabbed the only jacket that fits her now - Teikou's jacket.

She grabbed her headphones, put the snowflake object on her hair, as a hair pin. She grabbed a few more and put it in her jacket, just in case. Those snowflake objects are special daggers, specially made for her - since her name was Yuki (snow) and because she likes snow (all her accessories has something to do with snow too). And also, she couldn't carry a knife or gun to protect herself from her family's enemy, so her father made those for her. She put on her expensive trainers, put on her headphones and ran to Seirin. She didn't want to take the car and besides, this is just a small exercise for her.

She has arrived at Seirin. 'This school is freaking .... HUGE' Yuki thought. Yuki looked at the school and decided to find the gym. After 30 minutes, Yuki gave up. She's lost. Suddenly she saw someone approaching. She was a girl with short hair and there was a whistle hanging over her neck. Yuki did a research about Seirin so she knew that Seirin basketball team's coach is a girl.

- "Are you Seirin basketball team's coach?" Yuki asked politely.

The girl looked shocked and she had weird exressions running over her face. 'Did I do something?' Yuki asked herself and then the girl suddenly spoke back with happiness in her voice.

- "Yes I am. I'm heading to the gym, if you want you can come with me." The girl proudly said. 'Ah... I guess they all mistook her for manager, that's why she's that happy' Yuki thought.

- " My name is Miwa Yuki. Nice to meet you."

- " I'm Aida Riko. Nice to meet you. What business do you have with the basketball team?" Riko asked as they slowly reach the gym.

- " I want to join the club. " Yuki said as they entered the gym

- " As a manger....." Riko couldn't finish her sentence before she realized that Yuki is no longer standing next to her. She's slowly walking towards the court. The seniors and the first-years are having a match. Kuroko was about to pass the ball to Kagami when he heard a voice.

- " Tet-chan " The voice was gentle and pure like a breeze, but Kuroko froze like it was a snow storm. Kuroko didn't pass the ball to Kagami and a senior stole it.

- " Oi!!! Kuroko!!" Kagami yelled at Kuroko while Kuroko ignored it and headed to where the girl was standing. Everyone looked towards the direction. They saw a girl with white hair with a little green and pink at the end, and she was wearing a white dress with a jacket has a big word printed: 'TEIKOU'. She had a gentle and beautiful smile on her face, making everyone thought she was an angel.

- " Yuki-chan..... Is that really you? " Kuroko slowly asked, making everyone think 'How the hell does Kuroko know such a beauty like her???'

- " Tet-chan, if it's not me then what's standing here? A ghost? " Yuki let put a small chuckle as she hugged Kuroko. After the hug, Kuroko smiled making everyone looked with shocked.

- " Oi!! Kuroko, who is..." Kagami yelled at Kuroko, asking for explanation. But before he could finish his sentence, a sharp object flew through him, made a small cut on his face, and hit the wall and got stucked.

- " No one talk to my Tet-chan like that. " They all looked at Yuki and they saw the angel from before turned into a devil. They saw her hand holding her "hairpins", which looked exactly the same as the object just cut Kagami's face.

- "Yuki-chan, ignore him, he is just an idiot like Aomine." Kuroko said.

- "Anything for my Tet-chan." Yuki said, while having a gentle smile on her face. But this time, no one thinks of her as an angel anymore. "Coach, can I join the club?" Yuki turned her head and looked at Riko.

- "Ah yes, what position would you like to be?" Riko asked, recovering from the shock that she knows Kuroko.

- " Manager, oh, and also assistant coach."

- " Manager is fine, but I'm not sure they'll listen to you as a assistant coach." Riko replied.

- " You're afraid I'm to weak to do the job, right?" Yuki asked, letting out a small chuckle.

Riko nodded. Yuki turned around and picked up the ball.

- "Pick out your 5 bests and I'll go against them." Yuki said after tossing the ball to Kuroko.

- "But you're a gir.." Kagami was about to reject but then Kuroko suddenly stuffed a hamburger inside his mouth (where did that hamburger come from?) and agreed instead of Kagami. He also gave Kagami a look with the meaning 'If you want to die then finish your sentence'

- "5 minutes battle." Yuki said with a threatening voice, making everyone listened with no complains.

After 5 miniutes

5 people who went against Yuki, which involve Kuroko and Kagami are now panting on the ground while Yuki stood up straight, with not a single drop of sweat on her face. The score was 0 - 124, the winner is Yuki. Everyone in the team jaw-dropped, looking at her like she's gonna show her wings and fly up to the sky. Yuki turned to Riko, asking:

- " OK now? "

Riko nodded, while having her mouth wide open. They couldn't touch the ball even once.

- " Kuroko, you've gotten better." Yuki turned and smiled at Kuroko. Everyone looked at her while thinking 'He couldn't even touch the ball and you complimented him that he has gotten better???'

- " How the hell did you do that when you're a girl and you're even shorter than Kuroko???? " Kagami yelled while Kuroko silent praying that he won't die under Yuki's hand. Kagami suddenly felt a chill down his neck and when he looked up, he saw a demon. Everyone swear they could see Yuki's hair floating while her eyes was red and glowing.

- " What-did-you-say????" Yuki asked with a threatening voice. Yuki was about to throwing her hairpins at Kagami but then Kuroko put her headphones on. She immediately calmed down and thanked Kuroko.

- " Watch your word next time, baka." Yuki said while walking towards the gym door. "Bye bye Kuroko, see you tomorrow." Yuki said, with a devilish smile and disappear - like a devil....


I'm sorry if this chapter is too.... unbelievable (This is the best I can do) You can leave some advice or opinion and I'll fix my writing. Thanks for reading ^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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