Chapter 2

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TW : Swearing and Just a bit of sad thoughts <3

Just a fluffy little chapter wth some moments between Felix and Vincen, AND HANNAH AND FLORIS :D (i asked Hannah, floris if you're uncomfortable please let me know)


Felix's POV (the next day) 

4:14 A.M

Gosh darn it, my insomnia is keeping me up again, why can't i just sleep for once? Is there something wrong with me? Gosh i hate insomnia.

Though, I'm so very happy I have my lovely boyfriend, Ajax with me, He looked so perfect when he slept, like an angel, Gosh I'm so lucky to have him. I softly brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his forehead softly.

He stirred a bit in his sleep, and opened his eyes softly, Gosh, with the moonlight shining on him, he looked like he was an angel, coming to save me from this reality called life. 

He yawned softly. "f-" he got cut off by his yawn. "Felix why are you still up? Is it insomnia again?" he questioned me softly, and cuddled me closer into his chest and pecked my lips softly, gosh i love this man so much.

I cuddled into his chest even more and replied "Yeah, Insomnia again.." "Do you want food my love? I can make some for you." Ajax said and squeezed me a bit tightly.

"Yeah. I'm a bit hungry, can we make uhm.." I said.

"Would you like some mac and cheese?" He smiled softly at me and kissed my forehead once again.

I mumbled a small "yes" and he picked me up like a baby, my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

Ajax walked over to the livingroom/kitchen area, in our relatively medium sized apartment. He set me down on the couch. He got the mac and cheese out of the cupboard, while i put on my favourite TV show, Adventure time.

I snuggled into the blanket softly while i saw Ajax cooking in the kitchen, outside the window i could see it was raining, everything looked so lovely in the dark. 

After a few minutes,  i left the TV show playing on the Television, and i went to Jax. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his jawline softly. Gosh I love this man so much, He's so perfect it's angelic, i know i'm repeating it over and over again but gosh, he's so gosh darn pretty.

"Hiya pretty boy" He giggled softly while i snuggled my head into his shoulder. "Hello my darling." I mumbled.

"Gosh, I love you so much." I said to him and squeezed him tightly. "I love you more, Sweetie." Ajax replied and turned his head to quickly peck me on the lips.

"Hey uhm.. can we bake cookies please..?" I said to Ajax softly, not wanting to upset him. "Of course." He says softly, as if i'm a glass statue and he's trying not to shatter me.

I move out of the way and let him get out the cookie dough we had made the previous day, i take out the baking tray and line it with parchment paper.

I sat at one of the stools at our counter, and watched him cook the macaroni, gosh. I'm so lucky. I really shouldn't say it so much but i am.

Once he was done cooking the macaroni, him and i sat down on the couch. He fed me some macaroni, and cookies (Once they were done) and we went to bed. Once again, i was the little spoon.


3rd Person POV (with Hannah and Floris)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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