Chapter 1

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There's always cliques. No matter where you went. Wherever you moved to. There were always cliques.

You couldn't convince George otherwise.

George has moved to way too many places to be convinced that someone somewhere didn't have cliques.

Sometimes, the cliques got so cliche, he was glad that his mother had a job that forced him to move almost every half a year. But not this last move.

He had lived in Europe most of his life. Most of the time it was England too, and he was born there. Normally, his mother's job only needed him to move within Europe, not too far from his original home.

Not too far from his family.

Of course, it was still required that he occasionally move.

Naturally, what George learned from this experience, was that he was not, under any circumstances, to get too attached to someone. He didn't have time to sob his heart out when he left a best friend from France or something like that.

But back to his clique argument. He was hoping so, so, much that it wouldn't be as stereotypical in America than it was shown. He didn't want to deal with that.

At least this time, his mother said, promised even, that he was staying at one school for his senior year.

And George could assure with one hundred percent certainty that he wasn't happy about it.

It was the first day of school when he did the most protesting.

"Mum! I don't want to go."

"You have to Georgie, you need to make friends." George cringed at

the nickname that his mother had given him so long ago. It wasn't that he didn't like it, but it was that he knew she was using it against him. "Besides, maybe you'll even get a girlfriend," she said, finally looking up from her phone with a smirk.

"Mum, what the fuck," he said, deciding not to tell her that he was in fact, attracted to men.

She would die on the spot.

She shrugged, putting her phone in her purse. She grabbed the car keys.

"I can't believe that you're making me do this."

"You have to. Sorry, baby. Now let's go, you don't want to be late."


Cliques were stressful. Only because George didn't know where he would be categorized by his peers.

Would he be the loner?

Maybe they would put him in the gay group.

He certainly wasn't going to be the popular kid.

He huffed out a sigh, finding his way to his first class. Luckily, the classes were short today only so they could meet all their new teachers.

He checked his schedule over and over, hoping he wasn't given the wrong one, or going in the wrong class.

When he got to the classroom, hopefully the right one, he folded the schedule up and put it in his bag.

He looked up to the front of the room, seeing a seating chart projected on the white board.

He found his name, and his seat, and proceeded to go find it.

He set his backpack on the floor next to him, making sure that it wouldn't be in the way of his table partner, who wasn't here yet.

George looked back up to the board, finding his name again. He double checked that it was the right spot. He looked at the name that was next to George's.

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