Chapter 2

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"No. It hasn't even been two weeks into school and you guys are already going to a party? You guys are so dumb." Darryl was complaining as Nick, Clay, Karl and Alex all wanted to go to a party that was in their neighborhood.

They had even invited George, but he wasn't so sure.

"Shut up, Darryl," Nick snapped.

Clay turned to George. "Pretty please Georgie? I'll give you a ride!"

The group had gotten rather close to George, all deciding that they liked him a lot. Everyone except for Zak still, but nobody cared as long as Zak didn't start snapping at George like he did the first day.

But George learned something about this group. The point he made earlier about cliques and all that good stuff, of course he was going to be in one, one way or another. And the clique he managed to wriggle his way into? The popular group. How did he get himself here?

"Georgie? I knew we had like, become good friends and everything, Clay, but I didn't know that we were that close," George teased.

Clay turned a slight pink across his cheeks and nose. "Sorry I-"

"You're fine, Clay. Seriously. I'll think about it. If my mother found out I would probably die."

With that everyone was laughing. "C'mon George, we will lie for you. You can even spend the night at my house so you can get over the hangover too," Clay pleaded once again.

George thought for a second. "Well, fine, but you have to make sure that it's okay with my mother for me to come over. Meaning you'll have to convince her that you aren't some American serial killer."

Clay laughed. "I will, I promise. You are mine this weekend."

George turned really red. "What?!"

Clay seemed to blush, thinking about what he just said. But he kept the seductive smirk on. "You heard me."

With that, he turned around and went to talk to Nick instead. George just tried comprehending what had just happened. The gay panic sort of settled in too, as he numbly walked along with the group.

George couldn't handle that. Was it obvious that George was gay? Was Clay aware already that George was gay? This wasn't okay. He was not about to be toyed with a hetero.

He doesn't like every boy he lays eyes on, but it is quite easy to appreciate beauty. And Clay Bryce was very easy to appreciate.

At the same time, god damn did he send shivers up George's spine. George was not okay with this.

The group continued on walking, all heading towards the front doors. Finally, George snapped out of his gay panic or trance. He walked back over towards the middle of the group. "So when is the party?"

"It's um..." Nick started. "Uh, Friday?" He looked like he was trying to recite something.

"Dumbass," Clay muttered before saying to George, "Tomorrow at seven."

George thought through his schedule. Which was pretty bare, to be honest. "Okay, the times are fine with me. Clay, as promised, will you come talk to my mother for me please?" George put on his most sarcastic smile that he could.

"Wait, right now? I was just going to do it when I picked you up," Clay said, sounding as if he was about to panic.

George just giggled. "What? Scared to meet my mother? She's nice I swear."

Clay still frowned but then rolled his eyes. "Fine. Show me to your car."

George nodded, as Clay and him waved goodbye to their group. George led Clay to his mother's car, which was patiently waiting for his arrival. He waved at his mother as he came close to the car.

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