Chapter 6: Another Day Another Universe

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"Well here we go again." I muttered once landing in our new place.

"Honestly how many universes are we going have to go through?" Kris asked.

"I don't know. The watcher said something besides us is disturbing the multiverse. My bet is that once we find what it is, it will help us figure out how we get home." I answered.

"In the meantime I guess we are stuck here until we get whisked away. Any guesses to where we are now?" Kris asked while look at the building in front of us.

"Well my stomach aches and my palms just got sweaty. Must be a high school." I answered.

"Really? We just came from a universe where we were battling gods and goddesses and now we came to one were we have to battle nerds and zits." Kris whined.

"I know kind of lame. I wonder why we came here?" I muttered.

"Maybe it's to find you an upgrade for your lame powers." Kris muttered.

"My powers aren't lame!" I snapped.

"Sureeee," Kris said sarcastically.

"Okay let's go in. No matter how much we don't want too." I said.

"I can't believe I went from being married to Tony fricken Stark to being stuck in high school again. We were such nerds in high school!" Kris whined.

"Yes because that's what's concerning right now." I muttered.

"I'm choosing to ignore your little jab." Kris huffed.

"Why does it seem like everyone is staring at us." I said.

"At least I don't see our alternate selves." Kris said.

Just at that moment a professional looking lady with a tight bun and a brown dress suit came walking towards us.

"You must be the new transfer twins. I'm the schools guidance councillor ms. Karen. Please come this way to my office and I can give you your schedules." She said.

"Thank you! I'm Tess and this is Kris." I said.

"Yes I have read all about you. I admit that I'm not as prepared for your visit. I was told that you were coming two weeks from now." Karen said as she sat down in her office.

"That means our pesky selves won't bother us yet." Kira whispered.

"Here is a map of the school and your class schedule. I have assigned our top student to show the two of you around. His name is Peter Parker." Karen said.

"Yes! We go way back!" I exclaimed.

Karen just gave me a funny look as Kris jabbed me in the stomach.

"I mean I'm looking forward to seeing the school." I said trying to cover up my slip up.

Luckily at that moment there was a knock on the door as a younger looking Peter walked in.

"Peter!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." He said looking confused.

"Tess here was telling us you are familiar with each other." Karen said.

"I never seen them before but I'm happy to be their tour guide." Peter said.

"Now you've made it weird." Kris whispered to me.

"Whatever. Let's just get out of this office." I muttered.

Peter took us a fine tour of the school. By the time the tour was done classes were just about to start.

"How are you enjoying the school so far?" Peter asked.

"It's fine, kinda wished that I never had to enter a high school again." Kris answered.

"Amen to that. So you really don't know who we are? I thought we made a connection in Australia?" I asked.

"Now what would Star Lord say if he heard you whine over another man?" Kris teased.

"You guys know Star Lord?! Does that mean you are part of the avengers?" Peter asked all excited.

"Yes actually!" I exclaimed.

"How come Mr. Stark has never mentioned you two before then?" Peter asked.

"You know Tony! Is there any way we can see him?" Kris asked full of hope.

"Look maybe we should talk about this in a more private place. We can go to the roof at your apartment after class." I said.

"How do you know where I live?" Peter asked.

"All good questions Peter. We will tell you everything later. You can bring Ned and MJ as well if you want." I answered.

With that we walked away to our first class.

"I think you just creeped him out more." Kris stated.

"Whatever, it better thinking about that than thinking about surviving a class of grade 12 pre-calculus." I said.

"Ugh! Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse!" Kris whined.

7 terrible hours later we made it up the roof. High school chemistry was horrible to relive and worst of all I got bitten by a spider during lab time. Peter was already there and sure enough Ned and MJ were too.

"So Peter tells us you are an avenger. Prove it." MJ said abruptly.

"Woah give us a chance to explain first. And really Peter I thought the MJ you had a crush on was a lot nicer than this one here." I said.

Peter's face turned pink. "I haven't told her yet how I feel. How did you know that if I only met you today?" Peter asked ignoring the looks that MJ and Ned were giving him.

"The truth is we are from a different universe. Apparently there's a rip in the multiverse and Tess and I are stuck in this awkward position where we keep getting bounced around to different universes." Kris stated.

The three teenagers before us just kept gawking at us like we were crazy.

"Yes and in our universe Peter and I are really good friends and we all fought on the Avengers together." I said.

"Well that would explain how you would know so much about us." Peter replied.

"Peter you can't be serious? How do we know they are not our enemies trying to reveal your secret?" MJ asked.

"Maybe if you had proof then we would believe you but right now it's too much to comprehend." Ned said.

"Yeah we are going take this as a good sign to leave." MJ said.

The three of them started going down the stairs.

"Wait! Stop!" I exclaimed as I reached my hand out as I tried to stop them. Then all of a sudden the weirdest thing happened.

"What is on me?" MJ asked as Peter just stared in shock.

"Holy crap Tess you have the same powers as spider man! Except you don't need gadgets to spring webs!" Kris exclaimed.

"Believe us now?" I smirked.

"The whole time I was wondering why we were cursed by going through high school again but maybe it's because you needed to visited this universe to get your spidy powers." Kris said.

"This is so cool! I can't wait to show Peter in our universe!" I exclaimed.

"And Starlord?" Kris asked.

"Yes of course Quill too. And Rocket! He always teased me that my powers were the weakest out of the New A Team." I said.

"Awww I miss everyone back home. Maybe now that you got your powers the multiverse will be done with us." Kris said.

And with that we were slipping away from this universe hoping to get back to our own.

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