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"Are your parents still out of town?"
"Yeah" I shrugged. "It gets pretty lonely"
"Do you wanna stay for the night?" Gerard asked with a noticeable nervousness in his voice.
"Sure, that would be nice" I said.
He's not gonna hurt me, he promised not to.

Ray looked at his phone and stood up.
"I have to go now"
"Bye Toro!" I smiled.
"Bye Y/N!" He smiled back at me.

=====later that evening=====

Gerard's POV:

It's nice having someone over for the first time in forever.
I changed into some comfy clothes and sat down in front of my desk.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" Y/N asked.
"No, I have stuff to do" I sighed. "I have work"
"Like what?"
"Okay you got me, I don't have anything to work on I just don't wanna sleep"
"Come on, you look exhausted" he said.
"No, I don't need to"
He walked over to me and turned my chair around.
"I'm not gonna ask nicely anymore, go to sleep" he said sternly.
"Make me" I smirked.
Without hesitation, Y/N grabbed onto my shirt, dragged me to my bed and flopped on top of me to stop me from leaving.
"Owww" I whined.
"I'm gonna sleep on your couch" he said."Goodnight"

Your POV:

I laid down on the couch and took a blanket from the side.
I couldn't fall asleep so I stared at Gerard.
He was so pretty, even when he was sleeping, the way his nose poked out from behind his hair looked adorable.

Soon I fell asleep and the familiar battlefield came back to view.

"Y/N darling you're back!" The voice said happily. "How's it going with your friend?"
"I'm staying at his place for the night" I said.
"Are you sure that's safe?"
"Yes, yes. He promised not to hurt me and his younger brother is upstairs"
"That's good" he nodded.
"I love you" I whispered.
"Love you too" he kissed me and I was on my way back.

I woke up on the couch and opened my eyes to see Gerard, staring at me.
"Uhm, hi?" I yawned.
"Morning" he smiled.
"Why the fuck are you staring at me and how long have you been there?"
"I was waiting for you to wake the fuck up and I've been here for about 20 minutes"
I sat up and looked at him in the eyes.
"Are you in love with me or something?" I asked sarcastically.
"Do you want me to be?" He smirked.
"I- NO!" I exclaimed.
"Bet you would've liked it if I bit you"
He smiled, showing off is fangs.
I jumped away from him.
"Pl-Please don't"
"I'm sorry" he said. "I'm really sorry"
He grabbed my hand gently and kissed it.
My face turned red and I let out a small gasp.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I sighed. "I think I should go home soon"

Gerard got a little closer to me and pulled me into a hug.
He buried his face into my shoulder and I ruffled his hair.
"I have to go now" I said. "I'll see you at school"
But Gerard didn't let go, he was crying.

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