Introducing daemon

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Hey I'm daemon dayle,
I'm a 15 year old private investigator... Well not really I'm just very skilled with computers and stalking people.
So I pretty much spend every second of my day sitting inside on my computer, reading-comics and stuff about computers, listening to my favourite bands and .... anime.

You could say I'm a geek you'd probably be right though I'm a geek who breaks the law every single day by hacking into government files. You'd be surprised the stuff that is actually going on in this sick twisted world.

I find it over-powering and awesome to be able to hack into government files and dig around in people's private lives I can't believe Mr. Saunders a 40 year old man who lives just facing me has a criminal record for theft, murder and rape! Like who would've suspected that your dad's best friend was a psycho rapist, I wonder if he even knows eh maybe not but I wouldn't dare say anything because I'd be put in juvy if anyone knew what I done in my spare time!

Oh yeah there's one more thing I'm gay..
I'm 'one foot' out of the closet as only my parents know.
If anyone in school knew I'd be done for I already get beat up and bullied enough as it is because I don't really speak much and sit alone all of the time, I have no friends except one...the 'yaoi' obsessed fan girl Rachale I mean what even is 'yaoi'?
Yes that's how you spell her name, her parents have a thing for spelling names differently there's Rachale, Kayle- her one year older brother, Jaimes-her two years younger brother and Taeyler- her twin brother (who's secretly totally hot) but not exactly my type.. Not that I have one though.
I just pretty much only have feelings for my computer,electronics, bands and comics.

Rachale knows that I'm gay and she fully excepts it she's amazing and I'd say if Kayle and Jaimes found out they'd also be fine with it but then there's Taeyler who is the biggest homophobe around if he found out I'd be in deep shit.
I honestly couldn't say what he'd do because there's only about 3 or 4 people who have came out in my damn school although they do get bullied and beat maybe .... LESS THAN I DO!
I just realised I must be the most hated kid in the whole god damn school!

Anyway it's near the end of winter break it's the 1st of January and I'm back at school tomorrow dammit winter seriously isn't long enough.

So what did you guys think of 'intro'
What would happen of Taeyler found out about Daemons big secret?
How comforting will his first day back be?

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