Where it all Began ( Roll Number 1)

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( Reminder these are all my own characters (do not own face claims) and plots, the song Bullet Proof is also mine. If you want to use ideas from my story please ask first, I am more than likely gonna let you use the ideas. Enjoy reading)

     There once was this girl named Flora Julia Mac. Flora was an elf in hiding. Where Flora came from being magical/different from everyone else was a crime.  She was chased out of town, and she never looked back. So for the next 10 years she hid in huge willow tree surrounded by a field of wildflowers.
     One day Flora was twirling in a patch of wildflowers. What Flora didn't know was that two pairs of eyes were watching her little dance and song. Flora was singing," I'm not bullet proof, my face says it all..." when all the sudden she heard a twig snap. Her head quickly snapped around. She saw two heads poking out of a bush. She gasped, and started running away. The two voices called out to her saying, " please wait, we won't hurt you,"  but she kept on running and running til, she found a cave and hid there.
Once Flora was inside the cave she used her magic to grow really tall, thick vines to cover the entrance. After a few minutes she heard two voices. The first voice said," Where did she go Charlie?" The second voice (now known as Charlie) said, " I don't know Luke."  They said some things that she could't quite make out, but after a while she heard the foot steps fade away. Flora used her powers to make the vines shrink and took a look outside. She looked both directions then carefully made her way out when she thought it was safe. She then ran back to her willow tree as fast as her legs could carry her.

So the story goes . . .Where stories live. Discover now