The Day

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It was suppose to be serene,blissful moments that could turn one life into a new chapter of a journey. This day was on every girls dreams of having,on every last chapter of well renowned book that every living soul knows that have been written a millions times over and read a billion times tenfold and lastly,its every man's end.To the father's who would give their way to their little girl becoming a woman for another questionable man and of course finally to the groom. That poor sucker who would testified this day to either becoming his worst or best days of his life.It could be the end or the new start of the rest of his life.

Just like what's been going on of what's inside the small chapel.

Three men who were at their feet fussing over some matters that could change all their life together by making it sure of taking it to their course and another one who seems to be putting up the font of keeping it together.

While the rest of three,well....not unlikely.

A man in his mid 30's was pacing back and forth in agitation while glancing at his watch inside the chapel where a local pianist were just practicing some few notes for the march later "She was supposed to be here half an hour ago!"

"did you mention about the money?" Asks in a low solemn voice from a man wearing a black tux.

"Of course not! But i did pay her forward"

"What?! Stupid!"chimes another mocking voice from a man in his late 40's named Calvin Gibbons.dress up also as a groom's witness in that day.

"Well i have to show an upfront otherwise she'd think its a hoax" reasoned the man earlier who looks more like what he was mocked at.stupid.Derek Lachey,representing himself as the supposed best man in that day also.

"How much did you pay her?" the man in a deep voice asks in a serious but calm tone.

"20K" answered Derek who was more annoyed at his own decision and of his own stupidity.

"20K and she still didn't showed up,moron! She probably have a prospect and took the money" Gibbons quip the agitated Derek again.

"Hey! How the hell am I suppose to know that Cal?!" Now more annoyed at making him appear to be that STUPID.

"Well,I dont know maybe use your brain first & should've asked her" Gibbons was somewhat calm but obvious of trying to insult the agitated Derek.

"Blaming me?! When I'm at my wits end of trying to find our way out in this mess!" Derek was more piss at the situation instead of the old Gibbons accusing his ignorance.

"Oh really?!is that the best thing you can come up with?!" Philip Stevens sneered in contempt,also dress up despite being just a lawyer,carrying legal papers that day.

"where'd you find her?" Asks Gibbons out of curiosity.

Derek who was piss a moment ago now seems to be loss for words recalling where he did " the local bar nearby"

Gibbons Snorts "No bloody wonder..." While the man in the black tux just gave him a contempt dangerous look without saying anything.

Derek knew that look and he don't wanna mess with him having that kind of look so he instead took out his agitation to gibbons "I'd like to see you do something Cal! Since your just lounging there warming your feet while i'm busting my ass off to fix this sh!z"

"Oh yeah?!" Old Gibbons hates it when being talk about him having a leisure retirement life.

"Yeah!!" Derek didn't want to be disrespectful but this day really was taking its toll on him.

"Enough!....20K was nothing but just a penny" the man in tux barks at them with deep growl.Knowing that this day matters also been taking a great toll in all of them there for nothing and Derek knew that its gonna get worse than just being stood up for so he just pulled out the last straw on him "Ty,What about Jessica?at this point,only she can solve this"

But he just answers him in a noncomical immediate tone "not likely"

"Why not,she's been with you ever since?" Derek was confused of why when they were been together since college days.

"When she found out that i'm going against my grandfather,she clearly doesn't want to be involve in the upcoming war against us knights" the man in the tux just explained in a deep bitter tone like its something that he just wanted to spit out and not to swallow.Indeed,it was a harsh blow on him when all he thought about was her first when this matters comes into this situation but she's the first one who'd leave him in the air instead.
He never thought that she would say no to him.He thought that she'll be by his side when it comes to facing his grandfathers wrath as his one and only pure angel but the moment she declines,half of his mental state of being human also did the same but he don't wanna give up because of that,because of her.He wouldn't let that be the reason to crumble his empire.Jessica could ruined his hope but not his pride.
He have to admit,he have hoped way too high expecting she'll be with him,come hell or high.He's willing to put up with anything and everything as long as she's by his side as his wife,despite the fact that his grandfather was strongly against it but she let him down.He could go to ends of the earth for her but reality hits him hard,understanding the fact that she wouldn't do the same so he will just have to go on by himself. Not by being a beaten broken hearted man but also because of the responsibility of his pride.

They were looking so troubled while Derek and Gibbons were bantering when the chapels door was blasted open in an instant by somebody with a petite figure in a rugged khaki jacket who kicked it that made the priest jump and the pianist hit a horrific notes in the organ.announcing in a strong voice with full of threat "STOP THE WEDDING!"

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