2. Shopping Gone Wrong

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I walk out thru the main entrance waiting for the traffic light to turn green so I can pass.

Once I did pass I headed towards the mall actually absorbing all the things around me.

Many people were alredy walking around  in school uniforms.

I was out of country so I didn't know anyone here.

These people were all unique.. To get into a prestigious school like hexide... I got in by resisting the urge to finish my Azura script with a live snake and by learning..

The others probably some other stuff... Like inventions or... Sports... People get into places like this for running fast?

.. I mean... I guess you need talent for that... Or a lot of exercise... I mean.. I started going to work out a bit and look at me! Now I can run for a couple of minutes whitout dying of exhaustion.

Doing Many types of exercises can help build up stamina/be able to do exercises for longer than usual or even run longer or just overall be able to take a couple breaths and be able to run for a good chuck again.. I know from experience becuse im a speed walker lol moving on.

Point is.... These people got here by unique skills.. And I got here by just studying... Dosent seem to fair to me but hey! I got into a prestigious university by beaing good at... Studying for tests under 10 minutes, for drawing nicely and for playing the guitar.. I can also sing but.. Im not that good..

As I finnaly walk inside the mall im imidiatly astonished by the amount of things around here.

There's 30-40 stores per floor with like 6 floors! I walk up the stiars to the first floor as the ground floor is.. More of a banking area.

I have a feeling I have to explain this... 6floors mean ground floor and 5 other floors... It's not a storey/story were the ground floor is considered one storey/story along with the 5 others.

So Luz right now is on the First floor aka second storey/story.

And I'm spelling out both storey and story becuse one is British and one is US ...... WHY DO U 2 COUNTRIES NEED DIFFERENT NAMES FOR THE SAME THING! Moving on.

I look around and see clothing stores, jewelry stores, makeup stores, tech stores and even sport stores..
Not what I'm looking for...

I walk up the stairs... It's wierd that these mals don't have Escalators... Just as I say that I look to my right to see a huge arrow sign 'Escalator that way' I chuckle in embarrassment and start walking towards the general direction slowly getting lost in my thoughts.

I bump into someone.

"Whoa watch it" I hear someone say as I fall back to the ground seeing a pink haired girl.

She looks awfully mad and I try to apologize before a couple others walk up to her. Soon a dark blue hair walks over holding a hand out. "Sorry Bosha sometimes forgets others exist" she says.

I grab her hand and she pulls me up. "No no it's my fault.. I was thinking of something"

As I finnaly stand up I get a good look at the 4 people infront of me.
"No I guarantee.. As someone who knows Boscha pretty well I know for sure she's like that" Says a Boy around my age with a smaller boy in the group too.

"Mat... We both know you dont know bosha so much" says the shorter boy.

"I think introductions are gonna be necessary" says the pink haired girl still a bit annoyed but dosent mind as much after I apologized.

"I'm Bosha, the blue hair is willow the shorty is Augustus or gus for short and the not so shorty but still short is Mattholomule or Mat for short But you aren't that tall either"

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