Chapter 8

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Felix's POV

Can you get him 1 hot coffee and 4 pieces of fried dumplings with your specialty fried chicken with cheese sauce, here's my card" My life savior said in a low deep voice and I look at him... At first I can't figure out who is he until I saw his mole in his eyes...

"Hyunjin?" I whispered and he covers my mouth.

"Shhh were in public you don't want to mob us here with reporters right?" He said and he bowed to the cashier.

"Here you go sir enjoy eating" The cashier said and Hyunjin bowed to the cashier.

"Kamsahamnida" Hyunjin said and bowed to the cashier.

"How many bows you need to do with her" I said to him and he glance at me.

"Ahhh never mind, anyways thank you for this I'm so fucking hungry don't worry I'll paid you once I've got a job" I sit down to the chair and he's in front of me watching me eating I don't care if he saw me eating like a pig I'm really hungry and I don't have time to make myself appropriate in front of him. I eat the chicken drumstick in my right hand while in my left hand the friend dumpling he's looking at me like I am a clown because he's laughing at me.

"What now?" I asked him while my mouth was full.

"No just continue to eat kiddo... HAHA Cute..." He said and he mumbled something at his last statement that I wish I didn't heard because I've been choke and cough.

"Yah! kiddo chill you are the only one who's eating those food no one will take it away from you" He said while rubbing my back and give me a cup.

"Here drink this" He said worriedly but he laugh at me once I've got a sip because I drink the coffee and spill it immediately

"Fuck it's hot" I said while stucking my tongue out and he laughs at me.

"Fuck You I thought it's a water" I said while still breathing heavily.

"Oh sorry sorry it's my fault, here's my water" He said while continuously laughing at me.

"Tchh stop laughing at me you're not helping little birdie" I said and he glance at me.

I laugh at him seeing his face in annoyed and he bit his lips and rolled my eyes at me.

"Faster we need to go home" He said seriously and I react immediately.

"What and who do you think you..." I said but he cutted me off.

"Do you have money to check in for hotels or apartment?" He said to me and I just realized he's right I don't have money.

"K Fine" I said while continuously eating and he patted my head that makes me blush.

"I know I'm cute but don't be so obsess to me" I said and he just laugh at me.

"Sure kitten" He said to me that makes my eyes widen.

"YAH I'M NOT A CAT! I'M A HUMAN!" I yelled at him and he just laugh.

"I really love teasing you... you're so cute, just don' talk and just eat, seems my kitten is really hungry swswswswsws" He said and pinching my cheeks. So if I'm a kitten for him I act like a kitten because I'm tired at his tease.

"Meow! grrr" I said and act like I'll scratch his skin and he avoid me so I pout at him and said...

"Meow meow meow" I said while pouting and I genuinely saw in his eyes how happy he was seeing me like an idiot and it makes me happy seeing him like that.

"Meow meow meow" I said while pouting and I genuinely saw in his eyes how happy he was seeing me like an idiot and it makes me happy seeing him like that

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