Fans Meet and Greet

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Jade's P.O.V.

I managed to calm Nik down by going to a dressing room and giving him a quick blowjob and then literally had to tear him off me so I could go and see my fans. I never knew that the Original Hybrid was so clingy. It's probably his heat getting to him. I mean it's not started yet but the pre-effects are pretty strong too. He barely has patience for 5 minutes, I don't know how he will last 2 more days. He won't. He'll probably want to start early. Well tough, he'll just gave to live through it. Now, time to meer my fans.

I carried on walking down the corridor and made my way to where they were waiting. Maybe if I find some good ones, I'll recruit them. I pushed open the door and they all started cheering. I waved at them and sat down in the leather chair. Not as good as my throne, but it'll do. I thought to myself.

I signalled to Kol who had organised this event and then he instructed the humans on how this would work.
"Hi Jade, my name is Caitlin and I want to ask, what was the first song you ever sung?" A 14 year old girl asked me. "Well, If I remember correctly, it was a song called Dandelions. I was sat in a field of them and it just came to me" I told her with a smile. "Thank you!" She exclaimed and sat down.

"Hi, My name is Olivia and I'd like to know, what made you realise that you wanted to marry the man who is now your husband?" A 30 year old woman asked me. "Oh, well, I met Nik a long time ago and we were great friends, but life pulled us apart. We lost contact and completely forgot each other until the start of this year. I found him in a coffee shop near my house and he asked me on a date. He was so sweet and caring, so I knew we'd be a great match" I told her making up the story as I went along. "Thanks" she said and sat down.

"Hey Jade. Firstly, I think you're amazing! And I want to know if you'll be starring in any movies soon" A 19 year old boy asked. "Yes I am, but for now it's going to remain a complete surprise" I smiled at him.


After two gruelling hours, I left that plain room. I found Nik asleep in the changing room on my chair. I grabbed him and teleported back to my palace, placing him in my bed. As soon as he wakes up, we're going to my Island. Good, then we can finally get some peace. We're literally going into heat in 2 days.

But maybe we should rest and build our stamina. We have amazing stamina! I know, but you're the one who wants peace. Alright! You are right! Ha! He's waking up. I turned as my husband began to stir in his sleep. I moves back towards my bed and lay down next to him. His arms subconsciously wrapped around my waist.

"Nik, my handsome husband wake up" I told him gently, kissing his head. "But whyy, Jade?" He whined. "Because we're leaving to my Island. We're going to test and then we're going to be in heat and have lots of sex" I whispered into his ear. At that, his eyes shot open and I was staring into his gorgeous blue orbs. "Lets go then!" He said excitedly. "Alright, we'll go right now. Let me just remind Aamon of his duties" I told him before summoning Aamon. I told him about how to keep everything in order and then teleported me and Niklaus to my Island.

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