chaper 1 hola

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it's the 3rd of december and me and finny kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny are hanging out in the snow.i've liked him ever since we appeared in the womb no we're not brothers im just osmanthus as zhongli . i remembre wehn. i kicked his smelly balls out of a girls mouth because i was jelus , his balls bleeded after.  finny kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny asked if i was cold i responded in a uwu kawaii hot alpha cat boy voice " , a bitzu 🥺🥺😣😣😣"then we went isnide. and he made me hot diahrrea 😫 then finny kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny said " wait there's only one cup  so we have to share..." i responded with a uwu alpha boy voice " fine by me but with straws ofc 🙄". after a while it started snowing hard  and i had no warm clothes with me kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny said with a calm deep hot daddy voice " it's snoiwing quit alos isnt it ?.."i respond red like a tamato with a alpha uwu cute catboy voice "yesh 🥱🥱🥱😦😦"finny kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny responded with a hot ass daddy voice "at this ratatate you're not able to get home safely...!" i tought to myself.  : oh my god this is a joke right is like heaven!!!! but i was tough enough to respond since i'm a alpha and said " i don't know if i'm allowed to staiy  at your place.." finny kinny limmy chimmy sinny tinny then said with a. daddy voice " i have a spare bed so it's not a big of a deal !"i respond  happily " alright!!.. fine let's go  i guess "  after about about 30 minutes i asked  finny kimmy limmy chimmy sinny tinny for food he responded "yeah sure i will cook spaghetti bolognaise with some cheese on top !"i responded hungry like a wild ass boar " yesss!!! sounds perfect !"...

Liam,you're my little imposter Uwu🥴🥴🥴Where stories live. Discover now