Chapter 3 - A typical morning?

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[Donghaes PoV]

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. It was 6 am in the morning. Time to get ready for work! Of course we made enough money with our music already but since we stopped all that, I trained the trainees at SM and also did some paperwork sometimes. Eunhyuk took care of Leo and the household so he always got up an hour later than me.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I had some breakfast, got know, the basic stuff. It was around 7 am when I was ready to leave. I woke Eunhyuk up with a kiss. "Good Morning Baby. Time to get up!"

[Eunhyuks PoV]

I woke up because of Donghaes kiss, like every morning. He was already out of the house when I started my day. First of all, I had my cup of coffee I always needed and then I got ready. After that, I woke Leo up. He hated getting up so much so I had to carry him out of his bed and sat him down at the table where a cup of his favorite tea was waiting for him. "Did you sleep well honey?" I smiled as I prepared his breakfast. "I did!"

We had breakfast together and then he got ready. I had to bring him to pre-school. When he arrived there, he was greeted by his childhood friends Ravi and Hongbin. "Have fun baby!"

Little did I know that this was the last time that I would see him today....


Sorry that this was kinda short but...the cliffhanger... :D

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