Chapter 4 - Where is Leo?

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[Eunhyuks PoV]

"Donghae, shall we go and pick up Leo?" Donghae looked up from his phone. "I'm sorry, but I have some work to do, darling. Tomorrow, okay?" "Okay!" I gave him a quick kiss and headed out the door to my car. In the car, I listenend to my favourite music and I had to think about Donghae. He was so busy these days, it seems like he stopped caring for us. Did he? "Never!" My inner voice said. "It has to be something else." I really hoped so.

At the pre-school I walked around, searching for Leo. Suddenly, a Mrs. Park with a surprised face stopped me. "Are you searching for Leo?" I turned to her. "Yes, why?" "Uhm, I'm sorry to tell you but Leo has already been picked up. About an hour ago." I looked at her with a shocked expression now. "What? From who?!" "The man said he was his uncle. He was tall, rather skinny and had light brown hair."

"No way! Leos uncle lives in America!" "Oh my god! Should we call the police?" "They wont do anything."

I left her standing there and called my husband. With our former SuJu members, we were way stronger than the police.

[Donghaes PoV]

I was sitting behind my desk, when my phone rang. "Eunhyuk, whats wrong?" "Leo is missing. Call the boys, I'm waiting at our old dorm.

15 minutes later, I was on my way, together with Kyuhyun and Yesung. The others were coming too.

[Normal PoV]

The boys gathered at their old dorm. Now was the time to do something.

I'm so sorry that this is so short >.< I'm so busy D: I hope I can update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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