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you heard your mum calling you for what seems to be the 100th time, you quickly turn your phone off and run downstairs, attempting to slide down the railings but failing awfully.
"what's up" you ask
"hurry up and get ready for school, you have to leave in 15 minutes"
replied mum.

you ran upstairs and threw on your uniform and quickly spraying deodorant under your arms so you aren't stinky.
new year, new me
you thought to yourself knowing damn well you aren't gonna change one bit. after you're ready you attempt to slide down the railings again and this time falling face flat, luckily it didn't leave any bad injuries so you grab your skateboard and a bag of grapes and start riding to school, eating your grapes on the way. yum

as soon as you got to school you put your skateboard in your locker and head to the office to get your new timetable. first period you had english so you raced there to get a good seat, fortunately you got there before anyone else so you pick a seat in the back corner. after a few minutes everyone had already showed up to class, ofc there was still an empty seat next to you, it's not because of you or anything, everyone just sat with their friends, you dont have friends though. only because you've never been bothered to actually socialise.

after a few minutes another student showed up, he sat next to you, as that was the only spot left. the boy had long ish black hair and beautiful emerald green eyes, "hi! My name is Y/N L/N" you introduced yourself with a bright smile on your face. the boy had a slightly shocked expression on his face, he then introduced himself. "hey, i'm Miya Chinen" he said shifting his gaze to the dusty floor boards.
you think to yourself wondering if thats the boy you were texting early this morning. no, it couldn't be.
before you could mention anything to him the teacher had walked in.

half way through the lesson you decided to test something out, you sneakily pulled your phone out of your pocket and text Miya.


it is him, you look through the corner of your eye and see him pull his phone out and ignore the notification.
"Mr Chinen. Is that a phone out?"  asked the teacher
"yes, sir. My mum just texted me, i forgot my lunch"
replied Miya.
"okay, i better not see you with it again"

after a few more classes it was time for lunch, you see Miya rushing out the classroom, "MIYA!!" you yell out, catching up to him. "oh, hey" Miya said stopping and moving to the side, "what's up?" he asks. "i was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together, maybe become friends if that's okay with you?" you ask.
"uh yeah sure" he says starting to walk again, "awesome!" you reply happily following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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