no. 6

96 2 0

my thoughts when writing is always either
"Noooo I don't want to *cries*"

Also why am I addicted to say as

It's legit in every sentence but believe me I try to lessen it :')


With fang

3rd person pov

"Hm... It's been really quiet recently." Fang said whilst taking a break from training and eating his carrot donut
"is y/n sleeping? She's not normally this quiet"

"I should go check on her" the raven haired thought, taking his carrot donut with him

while walking through the hallway, he listed some guesses about the h/c girl and what she could be possibly doing.


She could be sleeping,

making origami,

being accompanied by her ghosts,

she killed herself (/j),

Playing genshin,

Being a menace else where,

Somehow set her room on fire and she burnt.

She's actually behind me and is gonna scare the life out of me,

in her mananangal form and doesn't want anyone to see her,

Oh and what else.... I guess that's all." As fang finished his list, he stopped at a door then knocked


He knocked again, but there was still nothing

"y/n you there?" Fang asked as he put his ear on the door but heard nothing "y/n if you're being strangled; scream." No response

he sighed "guess I'll just let myself in.."

As he welcomed himself in, he saw that the room was messy as usual and he also saw that
There was no one inside

"huh... oh wait...

"Uh oh.... I swear to god if she did, brother will kill me.." he said in a panic
Turning the whole place upside down but she was still no where in sight "oh crap oh crap oh crap"

"Y/N! COME OUT ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!" Fang yelled but to only notice he was alone. Only silence was there to accompany him.

as he took a deep breath, he calmly examined the possibly kidnaped girl's room, and there he noticed a note, It was on her desk where y/n's other origamis are. and the note read

"Hiya fang!
Sorry for my sudden disappearance, but I just got really bored here! I'm off to somewhere that'll never bore me, don't tell your brother since he will kill both of us.
Also I WILL be back so just wait for that day to come.
Don't think much about where I could've possibly went since I know that'll just stress you out and I already know how your training is already stressful to you.
Don't worry about me nor that people I'm with! I won't cause them any trouble. I promise.

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