Character Introduction

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Elo, I'm here with another story because I am ✨ has a nonstop flowing ideas that somehow still got stuck over the time✨
Here's some character introduction for you to get to know the characters better. I don't include NPC but I can add them later~

- Natsume Koyori
A 14 year old girl who's not a big fan of otome game. She was very unlucky to land on the CR version of the game, and now she has no way to escape except for ending the game with the best ending possible. She has a strong type of personality and she's typically unhinged for a girl of her age. She likes to cook and do karate.

- Malarky
One of the dateable guys in the Prince Crush. Malarky is an active type of person, who joined up in a skateboard gang. Since Malarky is MC's childhood friend, he's very gentle with the MC and always prioritize her if anything happened. His weakness is that he can't do household stuff.

- Zachary
Zachary is also a dateable choice in the game. He's Malarky's cousin, and a complete opposite. Zachary prefers to do household job and he's a type of a malewife. His weakness is that he doesn't have a lot of stamina to do sports.

- Stein
Another dateable guy in the game. Stein is a rich guy, who's always pampered by his fame and money, due to his family's popularity. Stein always believes that everything can be bought by money, and he will always get whatever he desires. When he's in public, he will act like a majestic boy. But when only by himself or with his servants, he will act like a spoiled brat. His weakness is that he always rely on money, that he's pretty much a worthless guy to begin with.

- Luca
Also a dateable guy. Luca is a type of feminime boy who would hang out with girls and talk about fashion and gossip. Luca also sometimes dresses feminimely, but sadly he can't have long hair due to school regulations. His weakness is that he's not masculine, so girls would rather think him as a friend.

- Terrence
Yes, a dateable guy because I'm lazy to type. You may see Terrence as a lazy guy, but he usually self proclaimed, saying that he's meditating and is listening to the sound of the world. Well, not much actually believes it and he usually got scolded for not paying attention to class. His weakness is that he doesn't have much stamina, that's why he usually spends his time sleeping.

- Kabuto
A dateable choice, a descendant from a great samurai clan, or so he proclaimed to be. Kabuto is the kind of guy that would fight anyone he sees worthy, and says that it would hone his fighter spirit. Yep, a chuunibyo. His weakness is that he has a bad self control.

- Mitchell
Another dateable choice, and he's the type of sporty guy. He's very active in sport clubs, such as baseball, tennis, basketball, soccer, and many more. He only sees MC as a fan of his and nothing more. His weakness is that he's very very dense.

- Tsukichi
Another one of the 12 dateable guys. He's a good friend with Terrence, and actually is an amazing animal caretaker. He usually takes care of the school pet and tends the plants of the greenhouse, alongside the botanical club. His weakness is that he doesn't really pay attention to people, and he actually sees MC as a cute bunny.

- Liron
Dateable guy. Liron is always prefer to not interact with people, and because of that, he's always deemed a weirdo. Despite all that, he has a great music talent that a few of his remixes is a big hit outside of the country. In the internet, he went with the name 'Cookiz' as his DJ name, and he idolized a rapper named Chernoble. His weakness is that he always has a hard time talking to other people.

- Marcell
One of 12 dateable guys. Marcell is Mitchell's little brother, and Marcell looks up to MC a lot because once, she helped him through a pinch. But because of age, he thought MC wouldn't take an interest to him. His weakness is that he always feel inferior around MC.

- Echion
Also dateable, and he's MC's upperclasmen who likes to tease MC whenever he could. He has a bad relationship with Malarky because he's always there to stop him, but behind his tease, there's a hidden feeling for the MC. His weakness is his attention craving from MC.

- Lixue
Dateable, upperclassmen of MC who has a sheer cold charisma. He is very popular amongst the girls and usually he would be their talking topic. Girls claimed that when he walked across, you can feel the cold aura. His weakness is he's bad at expressing emotion.

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