Lost Piece of Me part 2

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"Mitsue? Mitsue?" Present calls out when he comes in.

I don't respond, I'm too frazzled.

"Woman, where are you?"

"In here!"

He comes into my bedroom, almost tripping over the unopened gifts and new slippers in the pathway between my bed and dresser. "Whoa." He takes a quick look around my small room. "It was not this messy when I left."

I pop up on the other side of my bed that is now covered in dresses, shoes, and random pieces of jewelry. "I know, I'm sorry... Toshi called and asked me to wear his favorite dress instead of my hero uniform to this year's top heros banquet and I can't find it."

"Well not in this madness." He lifts up a red striped pajama top and then drops it. "Let's eat and I'll help you find it afterwards."

I let out an exhausted sigh and fall over onto a small pile of slips and bodysuits. "I'd very much appreciate that."

He lays the food containers out on the table, "you know," handing me chopsticks, "it could've been in the donation boxes you sent to that school's charity auction."

My eyes widen in fear, "no. No way I would've gotten rid of that dress." I lean back in my chair and cover my face, chopsticks still in my hand. "I've worn that on so many dates I couldn't have possibly put it with that stuff. Right?" I sit forward again.

He shrugs, "you sent them several dresses, Mitsue." He says with his mouth full, "I wouldn't worry though, we'll find it. First we need to go through your crazy in there."

I laugh awkwardly, "yeah."

"Besides, he won't care if you don't wear it. You're thinking too much into it."

"I know, you're right. I don't usually get worked up about this kind of thing."

"Yeah, but your body is working over time now." He closes up the boxes.

I've barely eaten a thing, but I wasn't really hungry to begin with. We start putting things away and rechecking my clothes. It's not a ton of piles, I just have a small room. Present opens my ottoman at the foot of my bed to put my heels back in it.

He picks up my memory box. "One day I'm going to sneak in, while you're gone and open this to see what treasures you have in here."

My eyes light up, "you found my dress!"

He looks at me in confusion. "I found a box with a lock on it."

I take it out of his hands, "my dress is inside here. I'll have to steam it to get the wrinkles out of it, but that's easy."

"You stuffed it in that box?"

I shrug, "well yeah, with my other important items."

"What else is in there?" He asks, curiously.

"My grandmother's and father's funeral programs, my first engagement ring, my first blanket, a letter, ummm... The white shirt Toshi gave me, his cape, and uh, oh. The All Might messenger bag with my ripped up sash."

"Is that all?" Present Mic questions, sarcastically.

I snicker, "No, but it's all I can think of right now."

My room is still a bit of a mess, but nothing I can't easily clean after steaming my dress.

I stand to my feet and help Present to his. "Come on. Let's go get the key."


I am pulled out of my own thoughts when I hear my bedroom door open. I wipe my cheeks and try to perk myself up. Toshinori appears in the doorway glancing lovingly down at me.

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