1 (Edited)

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                                       Fuck you Denki
                                           Denki POV:
     When I woke my body was shaking. I realized why everything hurt... He did it again... "Denki~ come downstairs" Shit.  "Ok Ma'am..." I don't want to do this anymore... As I walked out of my room, my mother yelled at the top of her lungs, "DENKI FUCKING GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! " I ran she terrified me. And besides she might hurt me more if I don't... "Good morning, ma'am" He's here I though this is going to be a great day  "...And sir" I hope my breath he looks drunk "Get ur lazy ass up! Your entrance exam is in an hour! " " But sir I need to eat" He slaps me "DID I ASK YOU?!? GET UP!"... I do want to be a hero but not for him... "yes sir... " "Now shew if I don't see you past then let's say you don't want to go home."
    Ever since I came out to my parents as bisexual.... It went downhill. I know why, but it stings to know that they hate me more... This doesn't make any sense. They were the most supportive parents, they didn't hate anyone for there gender, race, or sexuality. But when it came to me, the mask came off.  I came out a while ago, but the abuse has gotten worse. Ever since that day I have been "home schooled" because my friends were thinking it was ok for me to be bisexual.
     I have an electric quirk, I do train with it but it hurts me too much to use if I go higher than a certain level of electricity.
Always make sure not to get caught, breath, don't let Father say anything and always act happy...
Narrators p.o.v
Denki's Father was watching the door waiting until His son got his stuff to yell,
"Denki, if you fucking don't get into class a you will fucking get it!"  .. Don't I already? "Yes sir." "Remember you have an cheating monitor so you get in if you like it or not." He put on a cruel smile and Denki was off. He started walking to U.A High School (For Hero's In Training) three miles was torcher  but he can't complain his father would have left him at U.A in worse shape than he is.  The school was huge! "I hope I can get in...." Denki mumbled so no one with in his shoulder length could hear his worry.
Denki's p.o.v
There are kids everywhere. I want to scream the space between me and the next person is making me stop breathing. Stay calm.. I kept repeating to myself. You look fine you did your makeup well...  Then a black haired boy came out of it looks like no where.. "Hey! I'm Eijiro Kirishima! "  should I reply? That would be rude if I didn't... "Denki Kaminari" I said in such a happy go lucky voice it made me sick to my stomach "Well Kaminari, it's super manly to come to u.a! " ok keep the act up... "Thanks dude! I wish you luck in whatever we are doing for the test Well I better get going to see what section I'm in before it starts  or I will be late and not have time to warm up! " "Oh right! I go check too! Bye Kaminari!" "bye!" I smile hoping my eyes follow my smile. Well it's now or never I look I'm in group C I wonder wha- My thoughts stop and I hear "Hello potential students! You will be going to be fighting robots! You'll know how the points are when the times up! Get ready set go!"
A week or so later
Did get into u.a? I used to much of my quirk but that shouldn't be an issue with how many of the robots I got down. I'm nervous though but I'm fine..
A ring got my attention from my thoughts it was a fancy letter with big letters on the back with writing ''U.A,, on it
Today is the day.."Denki, what do you have?" he almost ripped my wrist with it. Here goes nothing...  I take breath while my Father is rushing me to open it to see if I'm a failure. The letter read

 The letter read

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I got in.. I got in! "Fourth! " my Father shouts... Oh no. I cover my head "It was not in my control sir.... "  "useless child..." He continued to hurt me and yell if I had teary eyes, when I escaped from his wrath by getting him his vodka because I'm his mind 4th isn't good enough. (Even though I didn't cheat) I walked to my room and then decided to go on a walk.. It might get me in trouble but that's fine. I don't care.
I need to go grab my shoes.. I sneak downstairs to grab them. While my father's distracted I grabbed my phone, backpack and my wallet. I mumbled, "Should I go? I need fresh air..." I went back upstairs it was to risky to sneak out the front door so  I climbed out of my window. I know this is risky but why the fuck not? I got out. I went to walk to u.a first to get my uniform. I stuffed it in my backpack...  I need it now, father would never let me out alone to get my stuff EVER. I don't want my father to know that I snuck out. One. Bit. I went to the nearest gas station and hung around for a while until... Midnight! I need to get home right now!!

"DENKI!" (He just got into his room, hid his backpack and got in there just in time) Oh shit he knows doesn't he! "Yes?" "Where the fuck were you!" "In my room sir where else would I be?" "Then why was your phone and stuff not in the living room!" "I was reading ahead on my schoolbooks... And I was looking at my phone to find them!" "Come here! Now. Denki..! I can't deal with your lying shit!" oh no.. (He pinned Denki to the ground and twisted his arm and threw punches all over Denki's body) Shit.. School starts in a week...  What am I going to do? Then the world became black.

Hey guys! This is the edited version! Sorry it took a little bit of time to start edited this but I was fun too!
Og day 5/?/22

: 1070 words:

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