Noble and Strong

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Hey people this is my first story, its an idea that i have had floating around inside my head for a while. And i have decided to share it with all of you. I have no clue whether it's good ot not so if you have any feedback it would be awesome. 

                           Enjoy - J :)


Boom! There was another explosion outside the walls and then the clash of swords and the cries of injured men. Even from within my closet we could hear all this. "Momma, I'm scared, why is everyone fighting?" I whimpered I was so scared. We shouldn't be hiding this is our castle, our home, why should we have to hide. We don't want to fight them so they should leave and find someone else to fight. This is not fair. My mother gathered me into her arms and stroked my hair. "Hush my love; it is just a small argument between your Father and his friend. Soon it will be over. Everything is going to be alright." I knew that if Momma said that it would be okay than it was going to be okay. We were going to be okay.  

We waited and waited crouched down in my closet, but the sounds of fighting didn't stop, they grew louder. Then the door was thrown open with a bang and men came rushing in. They yelled to each other that the princess wasn't here that, and to look harder. I didn't like these men, they were mean. The sound of more footsteps and then swords clanging was so close. "Momma, what do we do?" I cried into her shoulder, hugging her tightly to me. The noise was awful I could hear fighting and screaming and crying. My mother hugged me tighter and pulled further back into the closet. Then I saw the wall move. And out of the wall came Edmund, he was my protector. He was here to rescue me. Before he could say anything there was a bang as something heavy hit the closet door and I screamed. I heard men yelling that there was someone in here and to get the door open. My mother handed me to Edmund; I tried not to let her. I tried to hold onto her, but she pushed me away. "My dear baby, you must go with him, Edmund is going to take you far away. Somewhere where there is no fighting." She told me. I kept crying and telling her that she couldn't leave me. She kissed my head and whispered in my ear "My baby, remember who you are, remember what you stand for, remember to never forget." The door flew off of the closet and someone grabbed her leg, pulling her out. I screamed and Edmund ran down behind the wall and through a passageway. He kept running and running and running.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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