Love Under the Sheets

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(A/N: This is dedicated to one of my guest reviewers, @Christina Jocelyn. She specifically requested for a Doratake and Mitsutake one shot with explicit sexual content and these tags. It will be split into two parts. First chapter will be Mitsutake. And the next and last chapter will be Doratake with a different plot and setting. To @Christina Jocelyn, I hope you enjoy this first chapter. Last chapter will be updated soon in the future so stay tuned for that.

Also, a final reminder to my fellow readers and reviewers to please be mindful of the rating and tags of this fic. This contains explicit sexual content and other themes that may or may not be suitable to your tastes. Sufficient warnings in the beginning have been provided and I won't be tolerating any unnecessary insults or derogatory remarks to my works. If this is not your cup of tea or makes you uncomfortable then stop reading here and click the back button over there. If all is good and you're mature and logical enough to know what you're getting yourself into, then proceed in reading ahead).

"Stop Takemichi." Mitsuya said with a sigh leaving his lips as he gently tapped Takemichi's shoulders.

Takemichi stopped on what he was doing and pulled away from Mitsuya's naked upper body to sit on the other side of the mattress. He shot him a regretful glance and apologetic smile on his face.

"Your tongue and mouth appeared stiff, and your facial expression is not going to pump up a customer or a client. Some people have food kinks and I want you to be prepared for that especially with the foreplay. But we can't do that if you're getting jittery over licking and kissing the whipped cream off their body." Mitsuya tried to admonish him as gently as possible. If he was being manage or being taught by a much harsher and blunt prostitute such as Smiley or Sanzu, Takemichi would probably have an earful lecture on him on how he was being terrible at it and one of the worst hookers that they met in their entire lives.

So, that's why Mikey had decided to leave the newbie in his care. As always. Because according to them, he was one of the most patient, calm, levelheaded and expert in their group.

But he's not a saint and his patience were wearing thin.

The first time he met Takemichi was he was already questioning inwardly if this guy could even survive the harsh realities and surroundings on being a sex worker. There's no doubt that Takemichi was a ray of sunshine albeit an awkward and a nervous lad at that. He doesn't have any problems in trying to get along with anyone even though he was fumbling with his words sometimes. Nevertheless, one of his facets that could be a major problem in the future was how emotional he was, and he was prone to apologizing profusely. Although he pitied him sometimes, it irked him to see him in bending down easily to people without even properly explaining himself.

He was a nervous wreck overall.

He even asked Mikey if his own judgment of accepting Takemichi's application to their club was a sound decision to which the blond offered one of his infuriating enigmatic smiles and brief explanation that Takemichi will make it to this industry with the right guidance and help.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that Mitsuya-kun. I'll try not to do it again and not be a burden to you."

Takemichi's remorseful voice jostled him out of his wandering thoughts and brought him back to the present. His lavender orbs clashed against his ocean blue irises and Mitsuya had to admit that Takemichi possessed one of the most expressive and beautiful pair of eyes that he had seen in his lifetime. If he wasn't easily intimidated or nervous around other people and customers, then he would be one of the most sought-after call boys in their club because of his comely features and slender yet toned body overall. They just need to smooth around the rough edges of his awkwardness and teach him on how to use his looks to his advantage into his line of work and Takemichi could probably survive and succeed in this kind of job.

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