the mechanic of my heart

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(A/N: Here is the last chapter of your request @Christina Jocelyn. Apologies if it took so long to finish as I'm extremely busy these past few days and couldn't get an extra time to do this except this weekend. This is different from the last one as I've mentioned in my previous notes that each pairing is a one-shot fic. So, this is Doratake friends to lovers trope with a dash of fluff and angst and explicit sexual content just as you requested. Hopefully you enjoy this fic as much as I did when writing it. I don't own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga).

"Takemitchy! I'm bored! Entertain me!" Mikey whined childishly as he flopped carelessly on the couch.

Takemichi chuckled nervously at Mikey's usual antics, wiping off the grease and sweat from his forehead with a small towel. "My shift is not over yet Mikey-kun... Draken and I are still fixing some bikes for the customers that're due for tomorrow."

A tick mark appeared on Draken's forehead as he glared at Mikey on the couch. "Oi. Stop being a brat Mikey. Can't you see we're busy here?"

"Shut up Kenchin. For all I know you just want to monopolize Takemitchy by all yourself because of your little cr—."

"That's it you shrimp! Shut your mouth!" Draken lunged on him on the couch which made Mikey yelped slightly before they wrestled against each other on the couch.

Takemichi wore a bewildered and worried expression on his face before he sighed in resignation and resumed on what he was doing. It's not unusual for these two bicker and fight like little children sometimes considering on how stubborn Mikey can be and how Draken can be impatient with his antics sometimes. Sometimes Takemichi thought that they're apt to be more brothers who annoyed each other daily rather than being best friends since middle school.

"Get off of me you oaf!" Mikey yelled as he tried to kick his legs under him.

"Not if you tried to shut your trap and mind your damn business you midget!" Draken yelled back and they continued to wrestle on the couch with one of them falling into the ground unceremoniously.

"Good luck in trying to deal with them Takemichi. I'll be heading out now since I have an important appointment at the Shibuya district. Draken knew that I'll be on half day today anyways." Inupi bid goodbye to Takemichi as he clocked out earlier that day.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it Inupi-kun. They'll probably calm down after a few more minutes. See you tomorrow!" Takemichi waved back goodbye at him enthusiastically as he got up and went towards the front door to close it after Inupi left, leaving the two behind who continued to bicker and fight like children.

"Ow. What the fuck Kenchin? I'm just joking!" Mikey whined petulantly as he rubbed his head when it hit the side of the table as he tried to get up.

"And you need to shut up you midget! Stop spouting some nonsense!" Draken glared as he tried to control the blush that threatened to overcome his whole face, keeping the annoyed expression on his features.

"Oh, please Kenchin you're obvious sometimes. Why don't you just tell Takemitchy that you got a thing for him?" Mikey dusted himself off as he finally stood up.

"No, I don't stupid. Now leave so that we can finish our work here." Draken groaned out as he felt an incoming migraine from dealing with Mikey alone.

Mikey's hands raised up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Fine then. But don't let me say that I told you so in the future. I'll just grab some taiyaki outside. Dealing with you two oblivious lovebirds is making me hungry."

It made a vein popped into Draken's forehead.

Mikey bid goodbye to Takemichi and left much to the other's bewilderment.

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