The Eternal Prologue: Part 2

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{3rd POV}

It's been 2 days since Lloyd has arrived in hell and was able to survive through it, but he was still sad and heartbroken because of what happened that brought him here.

Lloyd:(sad)"....why?.... Why did it end up like this?" He knew how but didn't know why it happened to him.

????:"war!! Come up here and sign up for war!"

Lloyd looked to his left and saw that a random imp demon was handing out flyers for people who wants to join into a war, Lloyd stand up and walked up to Demon who was handing out the flyers.

Imp Demon:"well hello sir! Interested in some war?!"

Lloyd didn't say anything and took a flyer to take a look, it was saying that there is a civil war that is happening.

Lloyd:".... sure thing"

Imp demon:"Great! the directions are on the flyer if you get lost"

Lloyd:"yeah.... Whatever" he puts it in his pocket and starts going to where the place is being held at.

{Minutes later, changed to Lloyd's POV}

I was able to arrive to where the place is at and went inside then I saw a person standing on top of a few stairs to the other demons.

I was able to arrive to where the place is at and went inside then I saw a person standing on top of a few stairs to the other demons

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????:"Bonjour my fellow Demons and sinners, and welcome to where you guys will be staying before the start of our civil war"

Me:'........ who even is he?'

????:"for any sinners that are new, I am Lucifer Morningstar"

[???? To Lucifer]

Me:'holy shit, that's the devil?'

Lucifer:"and you all might be wondering what the war is for.... Well it's to win against the other city which is rivaled to pentagram city, and we have two days until the civil war begins"

Me and the others were still listening to what lucifer has to say in the speech.

Lucifer:"Now you all will be taken to your dorms, and be sure you all be prepare of what will happen next"

Then his servants took me and the other Demons to our dorms for when we get ready for the battle.

*5 minutes later*

I was at the dorm Lucifer's servants took me and brought me inside, I already walked to my bed and lie on it.

[L.S for Lucifer's Servant]

L.S 1:"these rooms are where you and your roommates will be staying until the civil war is over"


L.S 2:"we hope you both will be able to be prepare for what's about to happen"

Me:"Sure..... whatever" the two servants were a bit irritated and confused of why I was acting like that, but they shrugged it off then went out of the room properly getting back to Lucifer.

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