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AN; okay so I just realized that this is kinda like a non-stop type fanfic so it might be hard to read but I'm doing my best|


Krevs POV:
"Did you pack your stuff up?" My father yelled from across the room" "yeah I did I'm ready to go" today we were moving to konoha. I'm scared because this is my first time moving. " IM READY!" My younger brother Kai who is a alpha exclaimed from down the hall.  It was no surprise when he got alpha he was always super up front about everything and brave. We were going to see our family so it was exciting because I had never met anyone other then our small family.
            Time skip!
Kankuro POV:
We had made it to konoha and went to my sisters address. She said that all of our old friends will be there so it was like a party. " KANKURO!!" I was trampled by my older sister and my younger brother also hugged me. My husband was also trampled by his friends. " wait who are those kids? WAIT ARE THOSE YOUR KIDS?" My sister teminari shouted. Tears had already formed in her eyes " yes they are the younger one is Kai and the older one is Krev. Boys go say hi to your aunt." " hello!" Kai said while hugging his aunt. " hello it's nice to meet you" Krev said quietly. As he bowed in a straight 90 degree formation " hello " teminari said. My youngest kid Kai had already started up a conversation he is just so social.
Krev POV:
After saying hello to my aunt I felt a tap on my shoulder. " hey kiba you might wanna break Krev and kawaki up kawaki likes to fight. Ino exclaimed " " I'm sure it's not that bad" my father said. "Who are you " the kid asked he looked around my age and had to different colored hair black on top and blond on bottom. " well Same goes to you who may you be?" "Kawaki" he replied "Im Krev" And right on cue kawaki swung at me. Most of the people in the room gasped in fear but my father just watched. I caught the punch and backed up a little. " listen dye job, punching people isn't all that pretty when you first meet them" miss ino look a little shocked that I caught the punch. kawaki smirked creepily. " I like you." He said " uh thanks?" I said back. The bi-color haired boy stuck his hand out in front of me " respect? " he asked I thought about it for a minute and then shook his hand and I replied with " respect "  "IM SO SORRY KAWAKI HAS A INTERESTING WAY OF MEETING PEOPLE" naruto /kawakis dad/ exclaimed " it's fine It's kinda reasonable if you think about it" I said in a calm manner. "Don't think to hard " my aunt said "TEM BE QUIET" my father yelled defending me. I chuckled but then I was dragged away " HELLO IM HOMARU!" Exclaimed a kid with black and a bit of dark red hair said he was my cousin garaa and Lee's kid. " and I'm hamaru" he had dark black hair and I knew he was ino and sais kid he looked calm. " hello I'm Krev sakubu " I replied. Right then kawaki came in. I was nervous but he seemed a slight bit more calm. " HI!" Homaru yelled happily "shut up your so loud" kawaki claimed as he rubbed his temples on the top of his forehead. " then why even come in here if you knew he was loud, huh?" Mamaru said as he tried to piss of kawaki and all of us could tell it was working. I looked at mamaru who looked like he regret saying it already. " hey guys be nice...ehe please"  I was actually a little scared of how both would react but I just stood there small with my mask on that kakashi sensei had gaven me and my hood up and hair over my face but still able to see my red triangle brith mark on one side of my face I was very self conscious of it. "... are you trying pick a fight mamaru??" Kawaki said in a tone that didn't seem so nice.. " no bro it was a joke you know it! Heh..!" Mamaru exclaimed. I started feeling something hurting in my stomach. It got worse and my face heated up lightly " DA..d.. ouch.." everyone looked at me as I feel to the ground I caught myself but I wasn't feeling well at all I felt weak " do you know what's going on?!" Kawaki yelled " no but I wish I did Krev are you okay?!" Homaru cried. "We need to get a parent quickly" hamaru said nervously not knowing what was going on. " WE NEED SOMEONE AND QUICKLY PLEASE!" Kawaki yelled from in the room. Everyone looked surprised because he never asked for help nor say please and then they came running " what did you do what happened is he okay?!" Anut teminari said scared " like I would know? He passed out!" Kawaki yelled. I could hear them but I couldn't move or see I fainted and I knew it.  "... fuck kiba get over here" my father said some of the adults had understood what happened and in that moment I was picked up I didn't know by who. There arms were kind of muscular, the smooth cold hands were creating soothing circles on my back. I was then set down on a warm bed. When I was able to open my eyes I saw kawaki without his jacket and I'm that moment all I could mutter is "s-stay..."


AN; CLIFFHANGER :D I'm so dead rn- also thanks for the people reading! so sorry if this was confusing.

Your just so special. // kawaki x an Unoriginal oc\\Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant