Chapter 6

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- Lycus -

After discovering where Callisto had been hidden, retrieving her had been easy. Almost too easy for Lycus's liking, and not just because he missed out on a good fight, but because something else felt off. When they'd untied a bloody and beaten Callisto from her bindings she had been crying and yelling. She told them they shouldn't have come. It was a trap.

There was no trap.

They met little resistance, and the few posted guards they did come across had been easy kills. Granted, by the time they were leaving town more of the Ardere had awoken and tried to prevent their departure. They had lost a few knights on the way out, but still, it was easy. Lycus had come away with barely a scratch.

Callisto had passed out shortly after the escape and was unable to tell them anymore of the trap she was sure they had walked into. Although they did not come across anything worthy of such fear, and everyone else believed Callisto had been mistaken, worry still hung like a rock in Lycus's stomach. There was something they still did not know; he was sure of it.

"The trial is soon, my prince, are you almost ready?" Ulric, asked, laying out the clothes he was to wear to the trial of the assassin who tried to kill the King. Silas had promised the man that they would vouch for his life if he handed over any information he had. The assassin had taken the deal and although Lycus knew Silas would hold up this promise, the others would not. Lycus certainly wouldn't. The man did not deserve to keep his life. "Sir?"

"I know Ulric," Lycus sighed, wishing he could do anything but put on the uncomfortable, formal clothes, "Thank you, please retrieve my crown, the iron circlet will do for today." Ulric nodded and hurried to fulfil the request.

Once Lycus was dressed in the dark clothes crested with silver and green, he set off to the throne room, Ulric walking softly at his heals. As he neared the throne room, Eira descended a set of spiral stares and fell into step beside him. She wore an exquisite silver dress, the top was crested with glittering jewels and twirled down into shocks of smoky grey. The folds fell around her heals in a delicate and elegant manner and yet, she still looked dangerous in it. Lycus marveled at how she so effortlessly appeared powerful, he always had to work to look that way.

"You've cleaned up well enough." Lycus chuckled, the last time he'd seen her was the night before, when her white hair was knotted, and her hands were drenched in the blood of her enemies.

"And I see you haven't." She retorted with a smirk, giving a pointed look at his clothes and crown, which were much simpler compared to hers. He didn't think this was an event that was worthy of his extravagant clothing. Not that Eira cared what event it was, if people were around, they would no doubt be looking at her.

"Do you think Silas will try to uphold his end of the deal?" Lycus asked as they entered the throne room, Theon sat on his throne with Conan standing to his left, trying to look important. His chest was puffed out and his fluffy blond hair stuck out from beneath the simple circlet he wore. To Theon's right stood Aideen and Aspen, their heads were bent together as they shared hushed words.

"If he ever shows." Eira scoffed as they took their places beside Aideen and Aspen. Although the assassin had not yet been brought in, guards lined the walls, more than usual.

"Did anyone wake Calum?" Aspen leaned forward, earing an eyeroll from Aideen.

"That boy needs to learn how to wake up on time." But as she spoke, Calum appeared in the doorway, Silas not too far behind. Lycus wasn't sure if Callisto would be joining them, but he assumed she would not. Not after what she'd been through. He planned to visit her after the trial, there were so many things he wanted to tell her, explain to her. He wanted to apologize for how long it took them to find her. He wanted her to know he'd used every ounce of strength he had to get her back. He didn't want her to assume the worst. That they hadn't bothered to search because with her gone, they had a better chance of becoming king or queen.

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