The Warp Core

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You entered a bright white room. In moments, a montage of a man working ran through your mind.

It was like watching a ghost..

The man soon finished his work and disappeared. It was all so quick, what even was it?

Before you could figure it out, a voice boomed out from the silence.

"Hi, Captain." The young engineer says blankly, before slamming a fire extinguisher into the back of your head.

You fall to the ground and lay still for a moments time. The floor was cold against your face.

You opened your eyes to reveal the man slowly stepping twords you.

"Sorry about that-" He kneels down next to you. "Couldn't afford to let you make another mistake." He mumbles before pulling your left hand twords him.

He grasped the crystal attached to your glove with a pair of pliers and pulled it out, leaving only a stinging pain.

You gasp for air at the unexpected feeling.

The engineer didn't let you have the time to process everything that was happening. He just kept on talking.

"Heh. Funny thing to say after a life of second chances, eh?" He leaned his head down so the two of you were on eye level.

His right hand-- which was grasping the crystal-- was directly in front of you.

You slowly reached your hand out to grab the crystal, before Marks left hand swooped down to grip yours. He held it to the side.

"Don't." He grumbled deeply, before dropping your hand. "You don't have to keep trying anymore.." He stood up, taking a few steps closer to the Warp Core.

"..There's no time anyway." He didn't look twords you, instead he stared intensely at the Warp Core.

A small chuckle slipped out.

"Another thing I never thought I'd say again.." He looked down at you, then became serious once more.

"But, I'm gonna fix the damage you caused.. I had a long time rebuilding this machine you broke." Mark kneeled down next to the Warp Core and held the crystal next to it.

"A long time." He glanced at the crystal, then at you. "Over too many lives." He finished.

"But.. I know now this thing does a lot more than just makes wormholes." Mark said, becoming more agitated sounding.

Not to point out the obvious or anything, but something you did was really pissing him off.

He placed the crystal inside the Warp Core, pulling his hand away as quickly as he could.

A large, beach ball sized, blue orb formed from the crystal.

"It seems as if distance and time are the same, just from different perspectives.. Thats all the universes are; Just different point of view." Mark ranted as he stepped to the control pad.

He typed a few things, then continued.

"Now, this machine didn't just bridge a tunnel through our universe. It was bridging all of them.. and you destroyed it." He growled, furrowing his eyebrows.

He began typing again, and whilst concentrated on the keyboard, spoke.

"I can't undo what you've done. Not here anyway- or at least, not now."

He pulled a lever on the control panel and the Warp Core engaged. It's voice booming with such message.

"If I could go back." Mark continued as he stepped closer to the now engaged Warp Core. "If I could try again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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