I'm Sorry

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"Great, princess' mad." I looked back, very much ignoring Ashtray, the sound of heavy steps echoing throughout the room. I eyed Cassie, cautiously, her making her way up to the stage, ignoring every look she got from us. Cassie started giving a slow sarcastic clap as she made her way up on the stage.

"Lexi, you really outdid yourself." She laughs, gesturing to the actresses behind her. Marta and Hallie being on the stage, reenacting the time the two of them had done Molly at the carnival. Of course, she had to do a scene from the carnival right after my shit show. I thought as Lexi's play seemed to kick me while I was already down. Having Lexi call me out of my feelings for Ash, then to play a scene from the carnival, the night of said kiss had happened... Made the embarrassment only linger and drag on.

"I mean, where did she find these knock-offs?" The crowd laughs.

"I had no idea that my sister had this in her. Good job, right? Isn't she brave? She's up here, unpacking all of her trauma. I had no idea how hard your life was, Lexi. Can we get a round of an applause for how hard Lexi's life is?" Suze can be heard in the back trying to quiet Cassie, the audience clapping out a bit. I leaned forward a bit in the chair warily, pushing my hood back a bit so it wasn't, so in my face.

"Come on, guys. I know they hack the heads off of women in Afghanistan or wherever. God, it is nothing compared to living in my shadow." A few yells out at her comment. Disagreeing of her comment.

"Yo, is this like, a part of the play?" Some kid suddenly yells out, Cassie mocking him as the room laughs quietly at this. Cassie looking around confused.

"I don't know. Lexi-" She starts walking further back on the stage.

"Her name's Luna!" I roll my eyes at this, debating when or if I should get up to help Lexi yet.

"Is this part of the play? Lexi? This is your show, come out! You're the big star of the day." Cassie drags Lexi out onto the stage, Lexi trying to remain calm and quietly get her sister to back off.

"Son of a bitch." I push my hood back more this time, ready to jump if Cassie tried something.

"You're the star of the night. She's always wanted to be the star. This is your big moment. Shine!" A few cheers rang out for Lexi, me wanting to cheer for her, but didn't given the situation. I mean it was her night, and she was killing it, even if it was embarrassing as hell. But the crowd was loving it, and it was an actual good play before Cassie ruined it.

"Please, stop. Please, stop. Please, stop. Please, stop." Lexi trying so hard to get Cassie to stop.

"The fuck is this, bruh?" I almost look at Fez, not wanting to miss a move from Cassie, I keep my eyes glued on stage.

"I, should stop? Me? I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you!"

"You embarrassed yourself!" A few others laughed at my comment, a few others 'oohed' as Cassie shot a look out into the crowd, before getting distracted by Lexi.

"I didn't do that."

"Oh really?! Then what is this??!" I watched as Suze made her way up on the stage, hoping to diffuse the hostility between the two sisters.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Suze. I'm the girls mom in real life." I almost laugh at this, feeling worst though, for Lexi as she's probably feeling humiliated on stage.

"Um, played by Ethan. Where is he? Ethan?" I sigh, leaning back a bit into my seat.

"See, and you wanted to go to the fuckin hospital." I mumbled a bit to Fez, watching as Ethan made his way onto the stage, causing the audience to cheer loudly. He looked like he was mid change, still wearing the pants from the gym scene with a black silk rob hung open over his shoulders. I heard him breathe out from his spot, still refusing to look towards Ash.

⟡I'm Sorry ♠⟡♠ Ashtray⟡Where stories live. Discover now