1. Class Schedules & 9.75's

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CAS: Dean.

DEAN-O: Yeah?

CAS: I need a favor?

DEAN-O: Anything.

CAS: Can you put a bullet in my brain?

DEAN-O: What the fuck, Cas?

CAS: It's my first day of classes and I already want to kill myself.

CAS: But I want to say goodbye first.

CAS: So that's why I asked you to do it.

DEAN-O: It can't be that bad.

CAS: It really can.

DEAN-O: What classes do you have?

CAS: English 101, Philosophy 101, 101 101. Something math related. Fucking chemistry.

DEAN-O: Wow. That really does suck.

CAS: Told you.

CAS: How's your first day at your new job?

DEAN-O: Excellent. Bobby's not bitching at me as much as I anticipated.

DEAN-O: And there's a super hot girl who works here, dude.

CAS: Name?

DEAN-O: Lisa Braeden.

CAS: Rate?

DEAN-O: Solid 9.75.

CAS: Whoa.

DEAN-O: I know, man.

CAS: Did you ask her out yet?

DEAN-O: Of course.

CAS: And?

DEAN-O: She said no.

CAS: Liar.

DEAN-O: Not even joking.

CAS: Why?

DEAN-O: She's got a kid.


DEAN-O: Yeah.

CAS: I've got to go, class is starting.

DEAN-O: Ok. Bye

CAS: My teacher looks like Azark.

CAS: Bye.

DEAN-O: LOL. Take pictures.

TEXT MEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz