Loves rejection

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Y/n steps back in anger and confuesin. She/he/them/any yells " WHAT HAPPENED TO MY KARLY WARLY SHARMLY NARLY BAY BEH! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!". Eddy weddy teddy steps away and says sadly "I'm in love with the shape of you ☹️". Y/n snatched the ring box and threw it into the waters below. She/he/them/any wondered when how long has he been the imposter of karl. She/he/them/any heard from the news recently that eddy weddy teddy had been wanted for the murder of sonic. Y/n begins to cower in fear. "I'm in love with the shape of you!"😈. He begins to reveal his evilness to y/n. She/he/them/any thought (HOW COULD THIS BE!). Y/n steps back too far and falls off but catches on the ledge. Eddy weddy teddy begins to walk over and stomps on you tinny inny winny hands. Y/n yells "HELPPP!". Her/his/theirs/anys voice uglily cracking. Y/n start falling but someone catches you kisses you with their BIG WET HOT JUICY SLIMY lips. You open your eyes to see not karly warly sharmly narly but....OBAMA-CHAN?!?! 😱😱😱Obama-Chan pushes Ed sherran off the cliff and yells "LONG LIVE THE KING!" 😼like off lion king the movie.

Ending 2 coming soon...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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