New Kid

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It was warm outside, sunny too. You walk down the sidewalk from your house, taking in your surroundings. The houses mostly looked the same, most being painted differently. Lots of trees, and not so far from your home was town square. Lots of buildings and people of all sorts. You seemed to blend in a bit, minus the obvious "new kid" appearance. Derry was a small town, if someone was new, people would notice.
Passing a few different stores and an arcade, you found a pharmacy. You didn't need to much, but decided to look around, maybe find something you didn't know you needed. Carrying one of the small baskets with you, you put some things inside; a Hershey bar, feather duster, scented candle, and sunglasses.
The cashier was an unpleasant girl who chewed her gum. Loudly. After putting your things on the table, she looked you up and down. "Not from around here?" You shook your head, "nope." She scoffed to herself, "hope you leave soon then. Total is $19.04." You handed the kid the 20, she put the whole thing in the register, no change back. "Where's my change?" You asked. "Welcome to Derry," she smiled. You didn't wanna bother, so you took your bag and left.

Off you were, walking downtown again. You didn't want to go home, not with the new and unspoken tension. It wasn't new per-say, it lingered from before. You didn't want to deal with it for longer than you had to. As you walked, you took in the sights. It was a rather tame town, quiet, small, cute. Alleyways ran through buildings, sidewalks all around, it seemed lively. With all the cars, people, and sights, it was easy to get yourself lost in the scenery- or your thoughts.
Pulling you from your thoughts, a car rev made you jump forward, crossing the alleyway you walked across. A dark blue car filled with 4 boys sped up, not showing any care if they were to hit you. One of them wolf whistles at you, "what a cutie! You new?" You could hear the taunt in his voice, just begging you to either come closer or run away. You stayed quiet. A different boy spoke up, "come on, what's a pretty face like yours doing here?" They snickered as you began to walk  again. The car turned the corner, obviously following you. "Hey bitch, we're talking to you!" "Well maybe I'd rather you kept your mouth shut!" You snap back. They want a reply, they'll get a reply. "Ooooh, someone's maaad" they tease.
Turning your head, you see them more clear than when they were speeding at you. A smaller blonde who was driving, a larger brunette who seemed to be one of the two yelling at you sitting in the passenger seat, a kid with a dirty blonde mullet who also seemed to be yelling in the far left of the back seat, and a scrawny kid with long, black-hair also in the back seat. The blonde seemed to be disinterested in annoying you, but laughed with them. The brunette and mullet were smiling and laughing, obviously enjoying the annoyance in your appearance, but that black haired kid, he only stared at you with a smirk.
You decided to humor them. "I'm not mad, but you certainly were when I ignored your sorry asses." The laughter stopped, the teasing as well. "We weren't mad!" The brunette spoke up. You laugh, "sure you weren't!" You continue walking, proud of silencing these boys. But as you walked, they followed, continuing to speak to you.
"Haven't met someone with big enough balls to talk to us that way," one said. "You're just a bunch of bullies, you can dish it but can't take it. What's there to be scared of?" They look at each other, and back at you.

"You really must be new, huh?"

Stupid Teens (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now