Sunset Daydream

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"You really must be new, huh?"

The playful energy turned to tense. The four look at you, feeling the fear slowly creep up your back. "I am new, yeah..." you admit to them. One smirks. "We'll be happy to show you what's there to be scared of." There was a strong feeling of danger now, who exactly were these boys? You back up, putting your hands in front of you slightly. "I- I don't want any trouble-" "shoulda thought if that before talking to us that way." You weren't sure what to do. Tension lingered, people stared, but didn't help.
You kept staring at them, their eyes locked onto your now fearful demeanor. "Please don't hurt me! Here!" You threw the Hershey bar towards them, hoping it would diffuse the situation in some way. They look at it for a moment, then at you, and back at the chocolate. They begin laughing loudly. "Aww, they gave us chocolate! How sweet!" They seemed to be less frightening when they laughed. The kid with the mullet looked at you and leaned out the window. "Henry Bowers." The others also introduced themselves. "Belch Huggins" was the brunette. Vic Criss." Spoke the blonde. "Patrick Hockstetter" was the black-haired one. "I'm Y/N L/N."

"Well Y/N, since you're new and we like you, how about we show you around?" Henry offered. You were unsure and very cautious of the offer after they threatened you, but at the same time, boys will be boys, and there wasn't much else to do. You shrug, "fuck it, move over." You climb towards the car as Patrick moves closer to Henry to make room for you. "Hold on." He says to you somewhat quietly as Vic floors it and speeds off. You let out a little squeak of surprise, earning a small laugh from the boys.
"So there's the arcade, and there's the meat shop, oh! And there's the movies where I got my first handjob!" "You fuckin' liar, you haven't had your dick touched by anyone but you." You notice they all seem to be friends who make fun of each other, some meaner than others. Henry seemed to be the worst, almost always insulting someone, Belch being the second worst, usually antagonizing Henry, Patrick piping up sometimes to crack an insult here and there, and Vic laughing along. Sometimes they'd poke fun at you despite barely knowing who you were.

The drive continues along with their shitty tour until you seem to reach the end; a bridge with lots of names carved into it. "This is the missing bridge, lots of couples make out here and carve their initials and other sappy crap." Henry states. "I'm not a fan of it. I want to carve something better. Any suggestions?" You look at him slightly confused. He was asking you? The kid he threatened and called a bitch just an hour ago? "Um... maybe you could carve all of your initials with a skull to show who runs this town?" Belch slaps your shoulder, "Great idea! Maybe they're useful for more than an easy kidnapping!" He jokes. Even knowing it was a joke, it was still deeply unsettling to know that they really could've kidnapped you that easily.
Henry pulls a switchblade from his pocket, carving each of their initials and a skull. "H, V, P, B, Y/I (Your Initial).
"Why is my initial there?" You ask. As far as you knew, you weren't anything more than a kid they decided to antagonize for a day or so. "Because you idiot, you're in our group?" Belch states, thinking you already knew that. You look at him, slightly surprised. "Oh come on, you think you're just never gonna talk to us again? You're stuck!" Your pleasantly surprised expression turns slowly into a small smile. The boys notice and laugh, teasing you playfully. "Aww, she's all happy!" You playfully punch Belch's arm. In only a day, you've found a new group of friends. Questionable, unique friends.

As the sun slowly began to go down, the warm colors of the sky arose. Hours of conversations and fast riding took everyone's focus away from the time, only being reminded once the cool blue sky turned an orange-red ombré. No one spoke, only leaned on the ledge of the bridge that left a clear view of the forest and sky. It seemed everyone was focused on it, staring at the warm colors. Who would have thought that five troubled teens would be so fascinated by colors in the sky.
"Wow," spoke Henry. "Yeah," you agreed. It was silent once again. Nothing else had to be said. You stared at the sky, the warm orange turn to a red to a purplish-pink hue. You had no other worries, no other thoughts to think about. You didn't notice the cars passing by or the wind blowing. You didn't notice Vic grab a beer from the car, or Belch spit off the bridge. You also didn't notice the two eyes that continued to flicker in your direction by Patrick, the ever so slight slide towards you as well.

The sun and colors turned from warm to cool, as well as the weather. "I think we should head back, my dad'll kill me if I'm home after dark." Henry spoke. The others agreed, but you wanted to stay a bit longer. "I'll stay back a couple minutes if that's cool, I know how to get home from here." Henry shrugged, "suit yourself. See ya Y/N!" The boys got in the car, all but Patrick, who decided to stay back with you. "I'll catch up later, gotta make sure she gets home safe." A couple murmurs were whispered before they drove off. You continued to stare at the sky in silence.
"Why did you want to stay?" You looked at Patrick after he asked. "I don't know, just not ready to go I guess." He moved closer and leaned on the ledge with you. "I get that. I like being away from my home, better than being in it." You nodded. Silence rose again, only sounds were crickets beginning to chirp. "Why did you move here?" Patrick asked. You didn't look at him. "My parents lost a baby, couldn't stay back home because it reminded them too much of the kid." He nodded. "I know how that is," you looked at him, slightly surprised someone else knew how you were feeling. "My brother died when he was a baby. Suffocated and died in his crib. My folks were devastated." "Patrick, I'm so sorry." You attempt to comfort him, unsure if he even felt upset about it anymore. You softly lay your hand on his arm in an attempt of comfort. He chuckled. "It's fine, I was a kid. Babies do stupid shit that could kill 'em, I guess sleeping too hard counts." And the silence rang out once again.

"I think I should go now, it was nice of you to stay with me." "It's no problem. Want me to walk you home? Introduce myself as your new boyfriend?" He jokes. You punch his arm playfully, "my dad would kill me if I had a boyfriend on my first day here, and you don't have to walk me home. I know how to get there from here. Thanks though." Patrick nods and says goodbye, you wave back and walk the opposite direction towards home. Sure, it was scary to walk home alone in the dark in an unfamiliar area, but it was only a short walk. Who would even be up at this hour to follow you?

Unbeknownst to you, someone was, about 100 feet behind you. Someone followed you and your way home. After all, he did offer to walk you home.

Stupid Teens (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now