After some years

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After some years Jessie became a strong entrenpeneur.

Now she has 10 bodyguards,many luxury cars like rolls royalce,Mercedes, Lamborghini,Audi and many more.

She has so many servants but she help them all. She is so forbearing and helpful.

She also helps her friends if they are in a problem.

And rose is now a psychologist.
So rose was coming after some months to meet Jessie in her new house.

Jessie:How are you?
Rose:I am good. You talk about you?
(Normal conversation between two best friends started)

Then suddenly, rose asked Jessie are you happy?
Jessie:Yes of course,(with a fake smile)why?
Rose:No, just asking?

Rose:But,you know right I am a psychologist.I can read people thinking.
Rose:Please,say.After all I am your best friend.

Jessie:Ok.So listen.
Whenever I see someone I feel like why I am like this?(Being serious)
I also have a heart.I also get sad.
But eveyone don't understand.Everyone think that I am a rich entrepenuer so I am so happy.But only you know I become entrepreneur.

Rose:Yeah. I know,You are so passionate about buisness from childhood.And also after your breakup with Suio you want to become a entrepreneur because Suio once said to you to not be entrepreneur.

Jessie:Yeah.Ok let's forget about these things.
Rose:Jessie,I have a good friend. You should meet him once.
Jessie:But. . . .
Rose:Jessie please, for my sake.
Jessie:Ok,But only once.

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