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Jessie went to meet brent (Rosé's friend)

Jessie: Hello.
Brent:Umm hmmm uhhh uymm.........
Jessie:I think it's getting awakard.
Brent:Yeah,you are right.
So, when do you know Rosé from?
Jessie: Actually we are childhood best friends.You know friends from childhood.
Brent:Yeah,I know.

(Then they are laughing and making conversations)

Slowly slowly Brent and Jessie became good friends.

Then after some years they started fall in love.Then they decided to get married.

Brent and Jessie met each others parents.
Both their parents agree to get married of Brent and Jessie.Everyone was happy.

But on the day of wedding, something unexpected happen . .. .. .. .. .. . ...  .

Suio came (He was drinking alcohol) and sayed to Jessie . . . . . . 

Suio:You already forgot me after few years.
I guess it's only me who wanted this relationship.
Jessie:Wow,so you wanted that you will be getting into a relationship with another girl.And I will tolerate that.Even  in that state.
Suio:What do you mean?
Jessie:That time, I was pregnant with your child.And you . . . . . . 

(Everyone was so shocked)

It's only rose who helped me to get out of that state.

Suio:I am sorry Jessie. Please forgive me.
Jessie:I will never gonna forgive you.Get out of my sight.
Suio:But . . . . .
Then, jessie asking brent.......
Jessie:After knowing this will you marry me?Say?
Brent:Yeah, I am ready.
Jessie:Ok, then let's get married.
Then they get married.

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