Chapter 34

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Tris P.O.V.

"So she is going to be okay?" I thankfully said to the nurse. "I can go see her in about an hour?"

"Yep!" The nurse chirped. "And you may want to go and tell your friend everything, he seems anxious."

I then turned around and saw Will tossing and turning on his bed, trying to get a good look out of the window. "Thank you!" I said as I turned to go back and tell Will everything that she just told me.

"Yup! I'll let you get back to him!" She said as I walked into Will's room and plopped down on his bed.

"What happened?" Will frantically asked me. "Is she okay? Is-"

"She's awake and fine." I quickly said to him. "She got out of surgery and is doing great actually. And she wants to see us but can't really move her left side and she can't feel her arm."

"Will she get feeling back into it though?" He asked me, the wash of worry that covered his face 10 seconds ago was now covered in relief. "When can I see her?"

"Yeah," I happily said. "She will. You can see her once you are cleared and can walk straight."

"When can I try that?" Will asked me. "And can't they just like, wheel me over to her room?"

I gave a little laugh and leaned in towards his ear. "And fire a gun straight."

"Yeah," He chuckled. "I would like to be able to do that without a flaw."

"It might be helpful!" I laughed. "But I'm going to go and see Christina, I'll tell her to call you as soon as I'm done talking to her."

"Thanks again Tris!" He said as I once again got up and walked into the hallway.

"Anytime!" I yelled back.

I headed towards Christina's room but stopped when I saw my boyfriend sitting in the waiting room with Zeke by his side. Zeke was smiling but I could tell that Tobias was just being a nice friend and being there, not listening at all.

"Hi." I sheepishly said, leaning against the door frame.

"Tris!" Tobias said standing up and quickly walking over to me, embracing me into a hug. "I'm glad your okay, I was worried sick."

"Why?" I said into his shirt. "I'm fine."

"I texted you like 10 million times and got no answer!" Tobias said letting go of me and leading me to sit next to him and Zeke, who was currently on the phone. "I was scared that something happened to you!"

"Oh," I said. "Sorry, I went to visit Will and then Christina and then Will and then.... It's a long story but they are both doing fine."

I smiled at him and he gave me a quick peck on the lips as Zeke ended his phone call.

"Oh," Zeke said, a little confused. "Sorry I didn't see you there, Tris. How is Will and Chris doing?"

"It's fine," I said with sarcasm. "They are both a live and awake and know what's going on, so that's a plus!"

"I guess so!" Zeke happily said. "Can I go and see Will now or...."

"Yeah!" I said, grateful that I got rid of one of them so I could go and see Christina. "He is right down the hall and his door should be open!"

"Thanks," Zeke said standing up and heading towards the door. "Have a great day!" He added with a giant fake smile.

Which made both Tobias and I laugh.

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