Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Four P.O.V.

I dropped Tris off in the infirmary and was very tempted to stay the night, and I almost did. Though I have Shauna in my closet, so I left the infirmary about 10 minutes ago and am just coming back from the cafeteria from grabbing some food and then to go to my apartment.

"Four!!!!" I head someone yell as I turned down the hallway that had my apartment in it. "Why is my girlfriend in your closet!!!"

Zeke. Great.

"Hi Zeke." I said as I made my way through my open aprtment door. "I told you she was here didn't I? And how the hell did you get in here? I could've swore I locked the door when I left."

"Why does she think you went into the bedroomand did it!!" Zeke yelled at me as he helped Shauna get out of my front closet. "What did you do to her!"

"She came in here right before I was about to pick up Tris before your party." I said as I got Zeke a glass of water for Shauna who was laying on my couch with an ice pack on her forehead. "You said for me to take care of her, and she isn't hurt is she?"

"Well, what happened then?!" He almost screamed at me.

I told them both what happened, and half way through Shauna left to go back to her apartment and change, and becuase she was totally embarrassed about what she did. Zeke eventually understood what I did and why I did it; and he left as well. I was just about to go to take a nap when the phone rung.

"Hello?" I said not knowing who was calling.

"Hello, is this Four?" The lady on the other end asked.

"Yes," I said. "Who is calling?"

"My name is Sarah, and I am over looking Tris Prior." Sarah said.

"Oh, okay." I said a little bit confused about why she was calling me. "What's going on? Is she doing better?"

"Yes she is awake right now, though won't be for long as she didn't get any sleep last night, though she keeps on asking if you are okay or if anything happened to you." She said. "So I was wondering if  you could-" I stopped her by hanging up the phone and literally running out the door.

Once I got to the infirmary I asked the lady at the front desk what room Tris was in and where i could find her. She directed me to  room 116.

"Four!" I heard Christina say as I turned the corner into the hallway were her room was located at. "She's sleeping now."

"Wait," I asked totally confused. "Aren't you supposed to be in a room too? You got knocked out, didn't you?"

"Yeah I did, but they realesed me as soon as you left, and Tris was asking for you and I thought that maybe I could just sit and talk with her for a little bit, but she fell asleep about 5 minutes after I came here," Christina explained. "She just went to sleep after a sleepness night, so if your going to stay with her than I'll go back to my room. Will is probably wondering where I'm at since I'm not in my room."

"Thanks Christina," I said as I sat down in the little green chair in the corner of her small room. "I'll stay here and watch over her while you go and do whatever you want to do."

"Okay, Thank you Four." Christna said as she walked out of the room.

"Oh and Four," She said popping her head back in, "Tell her I said bye."

"Will do." I said.

Eventually I fell asleep, wacthing Tris sleep. God, She is so beautiful, and I want her to be mine. Forever.

Christina P.O.V.:

I left Tris's room and headed down to my apartment to freshen up a little bit before I go and say hi to Will. I got in the shower and out in about 15 minutes. I got dressed and put my hair up in a small ponytail. Then I headed out to see Will.

"They will probably freak out when she comes home to an apartment filled with people." I heard as I passed Shauna's apartment. "But it will be so funny."

"What will be funny?" I said not even thinking as I pushed open the door to find Zeke, Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn all in Shauna's apartment.

"Hi Christina!" Shauna said as she came out of the bathroom. "Can we help you?"

"Yeah, what will be so funny?" I said.

"Should we tell her?" Uriah asked Lynn. "She can help us."

"Whatever." Lynn said. "But if she gets in the way or ruins it, we get to hang you from your hands over the chasm." She said the last part looking straight at me.

What did i just get myself into?

"Come and sit Christina." Zeke said as he motioned to the empty stool next to Marlene and Shauna. "We are planning a giant prank on Tris and Four."

"We are going to act like none of us care about Tris and the attack and everything that went on," Marlene continued for Zeke. "Then when they come home there will be a giant poster that says welcome home Tris."

"But she will be released from the infirmary probably tommorrow or even today." I said to them, starting to like this whole plan.

"You don't know?" Uriah said in a sad and piyful tone of voice.

"Know about what?" I asked, very confused.

"Tris's attack did more damage than it shows."Zeke said all seriously.

"What do you mean? She seemed fine when I talked to her earlier today. She kept on wanting Four, but that was all that seemed a little unusual." I said.

"Sh-she," Uriah stamperred. "Has nothing wrong with her at all!" He says as they all crack up laughing. All except me.

"That wasn't funny Uriah!!" I said reaching acroos the kitchen and smacking him in the arm. "You had me worried!!"

"I know I did!" He says. "You were all-" He was interupted by Will rushing into the room.

"You guys got to come with me!" He said out of breath.

"Why? What happened?" Zeke said.

"It's Tris," Will said. "She doesn't remember."

"What?!" Lynn asked very casually.

"She freaked out when she say Four in her room." He said. "She doesn't remember any of us."

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