Part 5 -- Hannah

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My eyes have blurred from tequila when the response from Blake finally comes through on my phone. I squeeze them tight and when everything comes back into focus I read: Sorry, Babe. Just got your message. Have fun tonight.

I text back:

You're not too late. We just got our drinks. I could order for you. Wet burrito?

I take a sip of my third Famous to get rid of the aftertaste from the shot while I wait to get the go-ahead from Blake that doesn't come. No animated dots. No ding on my phone. I text again:

Hello? Are you there?

I take another sip of my margarita and stare at my phone. Then I feel warmth on my left side. Jamie has leaned over, pressing against my shoulder in a friendly way. I turn to face him, stunned by the softness in his deep brown eyes.

"Everything okay?" he asks, and it doesn't seem like he's teasing.

Despite myself, I lean in and say conspiratorially, "My roommate isn't being the most responsive texter." I'm not sure why I told him that. It almost feels like I'm betraying Blake.

"Maybe he has lousy reception."

I open my mouth, ready to tell him that I'm sure Blake's reception is just fine, when I realize he's given me an easy way out. "Maybe," I say.

Another shot shows up for both of us.

"I didn't order this," I tell the waiter.

"I told him to keep them coming," Jamie says.

I look at him and the softness is gone from his eyes. I see the glint of a tease.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I say.

"I am. Besides you can't waste it." He licks his hand, sprinkles some salt and holds the shaker out to me.

In defiance, I skip the salt, shoot the tequila and shiver when I bite the lime.

"Another," Jamie says to the waiter.

"No," I laugh, but I could probably have another.

"Let's drink until you hear from him." His very lovely jaw is set in a challenge to me. "Another?"

"And chips. Please." I add.

The waiter shrugs like whatever and walks away.

I take a slurp from my Famous, pick it up, along with my phone and head back toward the bar.

The first few steps are weird. I'm woozy from two shots, two margaritas and a decent part of the third one. When I reach the closest end of the bar, I lean against it and dial Blake's number. It doesn't ring and goes straight to voicemail. Disappointed I take a couple more slurps from my drink. I hope there are chips when I get back, otherwise I'll be blotto before Blake even gets here.

"A girl like you doesn't need to chase a guy."

It's Jamie. He's standing next to me, close. Very close.

"I suppose, that's another one of your other go-to lines?"

"No. Those are all jokes, designed to make a girl laugh. I'm serious about this."

A girl like me. Something about those words makes my throat flutter. His sensual mouth is so close I could kiss him. Too much tequila. I stand up straight, trying to make myself taller. "For your information, I'm not chasing him. I'm only trying to connect."

"It shouldn't be so hard to connect." He smiles and adds, "for a girl like you."

This time my stomach flutters, which irritates me. Before I construct a retort, he ambles away toward the far end of the bar and into the hallway toward the bathrooms.

I dial Blake one more time. Voicemail. I give up and make my way back to the table. Those damn chips better be there. 

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