Part 7 -- Hannah

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Thankfully, the chips and salsa arrive shortly after Jamie returns from the men's room. But before I can get fully involved, Bethany leans forward and says, "I need to hit the ladies room."

I know this means she wants company, so I grab my bag, pop a chip into my mouth and follow her lead. Once we're through the Chicks entrance, I realize she's a genius and make my way straight to the stall next to hers. "I definitely needed this after three margaritas."

"You've had four," is all she says.

"Are you sure?"

"I've been drinking virgins all night—two at the bar, two at the table. Trust me."

She has a point. I run through the evening trying to compute margarita orders. It's a little tough right now.

We flush, open the stall doors and head to the sink, in sync. Sink in sync. That makes me laugh.

"What's up with that Jamie character?" I ask while lathering.

"What do you mean?"

I tell her what he said at the bar when I was trying to reach Blake then say, "I think he's trying to get me drunk. He keeps ordering shots."

"You don't have to drink them."

True. But in a way, it would be rude not to. I shrug.

Bethany takes her pick from her bag and uses it to fluff her curls. "Honestly, I like Jamie. He and Nate have been friends since elementary school. I think you're probably looking at everything through a negative lens since he hit on you at 813. "

Maybe. I re-apply lip gloss and check my eyes to make sure they don't look too red.

"I'll make sure he doesn't get you drunk," Bethany tosses her pick back into her bag.

Back at the table there's another shot waiting for me.

"Nope," I say to Jaime. "I connected with my roommate." This is only partially true. We didn't talk, but I did get one text.

Jamie smiles. "I ordered it before you connected."

Bethany blurts, "Jamie, are you trying to get my sister and Maid of Honor drunk?"

Jamie makes a Who me? face. "Not at all. I like a girl who orders the best entrée and can keep up with my drinking."

It's the second time he's called me girl, which for some reason pisses me off. "Girls don't do shots like this, women do." I pick up the glass and toss it back. Yeah, I'm a little drunk.

"Good point," he says and shoots his too.

Bethany leans forward and says, "See, I told you, you were looking at it all wrong."

As soon as the words leave her mouth, Bethany realizes what she did. Now Jaime, and any other alert people at the table now know that we discussed him in the bathroom. For God's sake, Beth! Your drinking virgins so what's your excuse? She makes an attempt to cover, but only makes it worse, by saying, "So what did we miss while we were in the ladies?"

"Nothing," Kelly replies. "They were debating the value of all the roosters. Daniel is pro; Jamie is con. Lawyers! I say, 'who cares?'"

"I like the roosters," Becs says, supporting her date.

This gets the controversy ramped up again. At least we have chips and salsa to get through it.

"It's overdone," Jamie says with finality. "Some decorator went overboard."

"Why are you all spending so much time talking about the cocks?" I ask, not using my sober filter. Bethany sighs and Jamie laughs. "You do know gallo means rooster in Spanish, right?" I snort-laugh, which I do when I'm feeling especially clever.

Understanding dawns on a few faces, while a couple still look puzzled. It makes me feel smart amongst all the lawyers despite my major tipsy-hood. Jamie just laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "God, I love your snort-laugh. And, thank you for that bit of trivia. You just solved one of life's mysteries for me."  

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