PART 5😋😋

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"Lets have some fun, this beat is sick😋"

Travis told y'all to go at 8:00, I don't know why,it came to the time to leave so you packed your bag and left to go to Travis's house,
You knocked at the door, Travis quickly opened it smiling, and said "Come in!", you were surprised to be the first one there, also that Travis cleaned up the house and had snacks on the table, a few minutes later, Michael, and Reno, showed up Travis greeted them both and then you all sat down, Travis said "Ok guys, Someone pick what where going to do tomorrow and the rest of the week since we have summer, Michael said " we can go to the mall?", Travis said "YES, oOH ALSO THAT UhHh" They struggled to find their words because they don't do so well when Reno stares at them lmao💀 Travis then said "THAT- UH THAT FUCK, THAT WHAT IS IT??, WAIT MICHAEL WE USED TO GO THERE BEFORE WE WNDED PUR FRIEND SHIP" michael said "oh that place.." you were confused and asked " what place" Michael said "Remeber where I took you for Valentine's Day.." oh yea!" Yall then laughed at Travis slipping up on their words, Reno then leaned in close to Travis, Travis was a blushing mess, Reno was smirking he looks so nice but he's evil, anyway Travis then said "UHh lets go get ready heh 😦" you can hear the shakyness in their voice, you agreed then you y'all went you y'all's room, and then you heard a thud in Travis's room, you began to feel worried, so you went to go check it out, when you walk in you see Reno pinning Travis to the wall, you gasped and closed the door and ran, one of them is gonna be mad probably, oh lord🥲, anyways you all got ready and went to the car ofc Travis was gonna drive, hoping we don't die😻🙏, they were blasting a song by childish gambino I don't wanna say it cause I think it's a slur I can't remember, a few minutes pass and y'all reach a stoplight so Travis stops, then Reno reached his hand on Travis's leg, Travis said "Uh- R-Reno 😨dude uh I can't drive with distractions, please" Reno said "Hm, fine." he seemed pissed off, anyway yall arrived at the mall, Travis seemed very happy, they hopped out of the car so did everyone else, and then Travis made sure they had all their stuff they needed, and then locked the car.
Reno walked to Travis and grabbed their hand, and then you all started walking into the mall, time skip..😭, anyway we get back home everyone has a lot of stuff and then we get in the house Travis went to go out their stuff in their room, but why is Reno going to😨.., praying for u trav😕🙏 I hear Travis moan😨, I never ran so fast in their room, I opened the door and see Reno pinning trav to the wall again but Travis is facing the wall but idk why they moaned 😨, weird.. anyway I say "y'all done?😨" and Reno turns his head slowly at me which freaked me out and he gave me a death stare, I never been so scared for my life😨, and he was about to say something but trav said "Reno we have guests over.. not right now please" and then grunted Reno understood and let trav go, and then, trav said "alright let's go" with a smile we all went to the living room where Michael was sitting on the couch, we all sat down, me next to Michael 😻, and Reno  next to Travis, Reno leaned closer to Travis, Travis looked very nervous and grabbed their blanket and put it on them covering their face, and said "So UHh guys.. what do y'all wanna do" you said "how about a game of truth or dare" Travis said "I fucking hate that game😕" you said "too bad🙏" they said "oh what the fuck😕" and then you said "with spice 😻🤞" Travis then peeked out of their blanket and said "fine but I'm not asking things" you said "Fair enough"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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